Chapter 221 Nursery Rhyme Like a Fox
It was almost noon when Tong Yao woke up the next day, she stretched, closed her eyes and touched her mobile phone.

Originally, I wanted to check the time, but it was Xiao Yijin's text message that caught my eye: "Ugly girl, don't worry about other things, I will take care of them. I'm out to do some errands. See you at school on Monday."


solve what?
Rubbing his eyes, Tong Yao opened WeChat and received a message from Xiao Miao, the administrator of the fan group: Big guest officer, someone on the forum said you are a woman?Is it true?Tell me, are you wearing women's clothing?

Tong Yao has just woken up, and she is a little confused. She doesn't visit forums often, but if there is something about the dance party on the forum, it should be said that she is handsome...


and many more……

She seemed to have overlooked something before.

Before, she had always been told by the reporter that Shuai Crack the Sky was her alias, but she forgot... She used the account of Shuai Crack the Sky to kill Zhuang Xinyu during a live broadcast.

Although it was explained before that the fans kept the trumpet a secret, but this time the incident is unusual and it is probably going to be cool.

But what should come still has to come.

She didn't intend to hide it from her fans for the rest of her life.

So Nursery Rhyme replied to Xiao Miao: How is the fan base?Did a lot of people retreat?

After a few seconds, Xiao Miao replied: "I haven't returned a few, and we have managed and controlled the venue, let everyone not announce it to the public, and wait for the showdown when you live broadcast to increase the popularity, and suddenly added a lot of people today. Come in, our fan group originally only had eight, but now it has expanded to twelve...

Tong Yao looked confused: Huh?Why?
Xiao Miao: Ahem...Because, many male players who went to the prom at that time said that Shuai Chuangqiong was a beautiful woman, and they all agreed that even if you were thrown into the film academy, you would be the most beautiful boy in the entire academy.

Xiao Miao: You also know that the ratio of male players to female players in Xianmeng is 7:3. Boys prefer female anchors, and you are also a beautiful anchor.

Xiao Miao: So... I can't hold enough people, so I decided to build a few more groups for you. If you start a live broadcast now, the popularity will skyrocket, and you, the third child in a thousand years, may become the second child.

Nursery Rhyme: ...

Nursery rhyme: But Xiao Miao, you know I’m a woman, don’t you feel cheated?Why not angry at all?

Xiao Miao: Mr. Guest Officer, I actually forgot to tell you something. Although I play the nanny account and have such a cute name, I am actually... a man, so you are a woman... I Happy, hahaha in a trance...

The corner of nursery rhyme's mouth twitched, this guy's name is just your little meow, is he sure that this name is just a little bit cute?
Throwing away the phone, Tong Yao lay on the bed and sighed, sooner or later he would have to face it.

Waiting to go back to the live broadcast on Sunday, I will have a showdown with everyone and apologize.

On Sunday night, after dinner, Lao Yu sent the nursery rhymes back to school.

Tong Yao returned to the dormitory and opened the door, and saw Qiao Yutong sitting in front of the computer playing a game, and she was playing Xianmeng.

With just a glance, Nursery Rhyme returned to his place.

"Tongyao, can I play games with you? What's your name, can I add you?" Qiao Yutong looked at Tongyao with a smile, as if none of the unhappiness had happened before.

Her intentions were written all over her face, and she looked like a clown.

"Okay." Tong Yao walked over and turned on the computer, logged in to the game, then got up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom first, wait for me for a while."

After speaking, Tong Yao walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Qiao Yutong turned her head to make sure the nursery rhyme door was closed, and stood up.

A few seconds later, Tong Yao gently opened the door, and saw Qiao Yutong sneaking up to her computer, clicked on her real-name authentication page, and took a photo.

The corner of Nursery Yao's mouth curled up, as Xiao Miao said, Zhuang Xinyu and the others underestimated the power of game nerds, since someone wants to help her increase her popularity so much, why not do it.

(End of this chapter)

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