The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 222 The streamer you follow is now live!

Chapter 222 The streamer you follow is now live!

Qiao Yutong took a photo of Tong Yao's real name verification, and then took a photo of Tong Yao's ID card, and then sent them to Zhuang Xinyu together.

Zhuang Xinyu: Got it, she didn't find out, right?

Qiao Yutong: No.

After speaking, Qiao Yutong was still a little uneasy, and turned to look at the bathroom door, which was closed.

But after this incident broke out, Nursery Rhyme will definitely know that he did it.

Because Jiang Ya is not in the dormitory, and the live broadcast of the nursery rhyme will start later, when Zhuang Xinyu reveals this matter, then she and the nursery rhyme will really turn against each other.

Zhuang Xinyu: Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you. Next week, I will definitely introduce you to my brother, but as for whether he likes you or not, then I don't care.

Qiao Yutong: Good.

After sending the message, Qiao Yutong put away her phone, packed her bag and went outside.

Tong Yao opened the door and came out, and said casually, "Don't you want to play a game? Why are you leaving again?"

Qiao Yutong: "Thinking about it, I suddenly feel a little urgent, let's play another day."

Hearing this, Tong Yao sneered in his heart: "Okay."

Feeling a little guilty from the cold eyes of the nursery rhyme, Qiao Yutong rushed out the door.

It was Zhuang Xinyu who called her to come back, in order to take pictures of the nursery rhyme's game certification and student ID card.

She thought it would take some effort, but she didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

It went so well that she felt a little flustered.

Outside these days, she saw the lives of rich people and learned about many clothing brands that she didn't know before. It was at that moment that she realized that the seemingly inconspicuous clothes in nursery rhymes were all worth tens of thousands of dollars. clothes.

A piece of nursery rhyme's clothing is actually worth a few months of her living expenses...

The extreme imbalance in her heart distorted her mind a little. How could nursery rhymes be born to be superior to others, and how could she be pursued by many boys in school just because of her good-looking skin?

She also wants to live that kind of life, and the quickest way is to marry into a wealthy family.

If Zhuang Xinyu hadn't said that she would introduce Zhuang Yi to her, she wouldn't have done these things, and now, her goal is about to be achieved.

"Qiao Yutong, why did you leave just after you came back?" Jiang Ya came back from a run, and saw Qiao Yutong walking out with her head down, and grabbed her.

Qiao Yutong's heart trembled, she raised her head with a smile and said, "I still have something to go out."

Jiang Ya looked at Qiao Yutong in front of her, and found that she was dressed differently from before. She couldn't tell what was wrong, and always felt a little strange.

Thinking of the business card of the senior business escort, Jiang Ya stopped the thought of continuing to ask: "Okay, then I will go back to the dormitory first."

Qiao Yutong nodded: "Well, goodbye."

At this moment, Zhuang Xinyu couldn't be more happy, she couldn't help laughing at the thought of ruining Tong Yao's reputation...

I followed the nursery rhyme live broadcast room, and I was waiting for the broadcast to start, but I was surprised that at [-]:[-], the nursery rhyme still hadn't started the live broadcast.

Looking at the student ID photo of the nursery rhyme on his phone, Zhuang Xinyu narrowed his eyes and started thinking about the picture again.

I have to say that many people are fascinated by nursery rhyme ID photos. It is such a face that confuses Xiao Yijin...

The phone vibrated, and Tutu's news came: Rourou, don't be in the P-picture, if the nursery rhyme starts the video directly, you won't be able to explain clearly.

The little Jiujiu in Zhuang Xinyu's heart was exposed, so it was a little embarrassing.

It took a while to reply: Don't worry, I know what to do.

At the same time, a system message popped up: The anchor you follow has started live streaming!

Seeing this, Zhuang Xinyu was overjoyed and quickly entered the nursery rhyme live broadcast room.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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