Chapter 231 Nursery Rhymes and Strange Brain Circuits
Xiao Yijin was wearing a long black down jacket with a scarf around her neck. She had a serious expression and a slightly cold light in her eyes. She looked different from usual.

Seeing Xiao Yijin coming, the two security guards suddenly stood up straight and slightly bent over, and said respectfully, "Mr. Xiao."

In the impression of nursery rhymes, Xiao Yijin thought it was rare for him to be so serious.

I haven't seen him for a few days, but I feel like he has changed.

Xiao Yijin turned sideways, and saw Tong Yao staring at him with wide eyes, her cheeks were a little red, as if she had been frozen.

Seeing that it was Xiao Yijin, the two security guards naturally didn't dare to stop them. Their hotel often held high-end business banquets, and Xiao Yijin was a regular visitor.

However, he used to come alone, but he didn't expect that he already had a fiancée.

The security guard was stunned for a moment and turned around, quickly moved aside and stood up: "Both of you, please come in."

Tong Yao frowned slightly, Xiao Yijin's name was actually more useful than Feng's Wine.

"Let's go." After Xiao Yijin said this, she wanted to hold Tong Yao's hand, but Tong Yao walked forward by herself, Xiao Yijin missed it, and was a little embarrassed.

Seeing Xiao's downcast face, the two security guards turned their heads to the other side at the same time.

By the time Xiao Yijin quickly caught up, Tong Yao had already found Lao Yu who was standing at the entrance of the banquet hall.

As soon as Lao Yu saw the nursery rhyme coming, he hurried over and asked, "Miss, why are you here?"

The air conditioner in the hotel was very hot, and she was sweating after a while. She stretched out her hand and pulled down the scarf, "Old Yu, I forgot to bring the key, and I can't go home. Do you have the key?"

Hearing this, Lao Yu shook his head lightly: "I don't have a key, otherwise miss, you can go in and get the key from the chairman, I have to wait for someone here."

"Oh, good." Tong Yao was about to enter the banquet hall, Xiao Yijin flashed over and stood in front of her: "Ugly girl, or I'll help you get the key."

"No, I can go by myself. I'll take the key and leave." Tong Yao saw that Xiao Yijin had already taken off his down jacket at this time. He was wearing a black dress, and he was clearly here to attend a banquet. Don't want to let yourself in.

Could it be... that he felt ashamed for not wearing a dress?

After all, this guy said that he was his fiancée to the outside world, and it really didn't seem too good for him to come here in such a slovenly manner.

Thinking of this, Nursery Rhyme said chillingly: "Let's go in separately. I'll cover my face with a scarf. If you don't tell others, they won't know that I'm your fiancee. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin stared.

What kind of brain circuit is this girl?

When did he say that she would embarrass himself?
At this moment, the closed door of the banquet hall opened, and a middle-aged man in a white dress came out. After seeing Xiao Yijin, he immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Xiao, I have been waiting for you for a long time, I thought you I'm not coming anymore, my little girl Luo Xuan is also here today, come, let me introduce you to each other."

After saying this, the man reached out to grab Xiao Yijin's arm.

Seeing this, Tong Yao gently lowered her eyes, this guy is really popular...

Glancing at the nursery rhyme standing beside him with an expressionless face, Xiao Yijin broke free from the man's hand without a trace, swept Boss Luo's face with cold eyes, and said lightly: "Boss Luo, you want to introduce your daughter to me. , then you have to ask my fiancée if she agrees."

(End of this chapter)

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