The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 232 Someone Xiao Goes to Friendship?

Chapter 232 Someone Xiao Goes to Friendship?

Hearing this, Mr. Luo was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Tong Yao who was standing aside with his head bowed.

He looked the nursery rhyme up and down, and there was a little disdain in his eyes. This girl was far worse than his daughter.

The marriage between this group of companies is uncertain until the last moment. The Xiao family has developed very strongly in recent years, so he can't miss it for nothing.

The eldest son of the Xiao family is obsessed with game research all day long, and hardly attends any banquets except for official game events, so...he can only focus on Xiao Yijin.

He had indeed heard that Xiao Yijin had an engagement banquet in D city a few months ago, but it was said that the engagement banquet was cancelled, so naturally the engagement was insignificant.

It's just that since Xiao Yijin said so, he couldn't help but brushed Xiao Yijin's face, and said with a smile: "I like to forget things when I'm getting old, I almost forgot that Mr. Xiao still has a fiancée, how about this, let your fiancee Go in and get acquainted with Xuanxuan and the others, you, you still need to take her out and walk around more in the future, don't always hide at home."

Bored listening to Boss Luo's nonsense, Tong Yao glanced into the banquet hall and saw Mr. Feng walking past not far away, then turned to Xiao Yijin and said, "I'm going to find Grandpa."

Before Xiao Yijin could react, Tong Yao had already walked into the banquet hall. He was so frightened that his back shuddered, and he quickly ran over to block Tong Yao: "Ugly girl, I'll get it for you."

Tong Yao felt that Xiao Yijin's reaction was really abnormal, so she reached out and pushed him away.

At first, I didn't think there was anything special about this banquet.

But after looking at it carefully, I found something strange in it.

Except for a few slightly older people, all of them were young people in their twenties. This... is it a friendship?
It should be.

Tong Yao glanced at Xiao Yijin coldly, and Xiao Yijin felt a coolness emerge from the soles of his feet.

Cool down.

"Ugly girl, things are not what you think. I can explain. Although this is indeed a networking dinner, I came here to get a contract. The other party appointed me to come. I'm not here for the networking." Xiao Yijin is really dumb and eats coptis. He couldn't tell if he was suffering, but when he saw the ugly girl at the door, he knew it was over.

But I couldn't bear to see her suffer from the cold at the door, so I had to bring her in, thinking that I would go and help her get the key, but who knew... this Luo suddenly ran out...

He has helped Xiao Yan manage the game company since he was a freshman. He handles many projects in this company. Today, the other party asked him to come to get the contract in person. This project is very important, and he only came here when he had no choice.

Otherwise he wouldn't have come to this place.

Xiao Yijin watched the nursery rhyme nervously for a long time, and was afraid that the nursery rhyme would get angry.

Who knows, after more than ten seconds, Tong Yao stared at the woman in the banquet hall and said with great interest: "The girl in the purple dress over there is very pretty, she should be more than 1.7 meters tall? Blue The girl in the dress is very kawaii...and that..."

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin's heart turned cold. Is the ugly girl recommending other women to him?

Does she want to push herself out that much?
Doesn't she understand her own thoughts?
After talking for a long time, Tong Yao found that Xiao Yijin was silent, she raised her head, and saw someone looking at her with a gloomy face.

Seeing that look made Tong Yao feel a little scalp numb, he slowly lowered his head and approached her, his eyes were very dangerous, like an angry beast.

(End of this chapter)

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