Chapter 236 The Wronged Xiao Yijin

Mr. Luo: "Yes, yes, it's the little girl..."

Seeing the weird smile on Xiao Yijin's mouth, Boss Luo felt a chill running down his back, and said with a flattering smile: "Boss Xiao shouldn't take this girl's joke too seriously. Besides, I don't think Miss Tong should be that kind. People with small stomachs, such small things should not be taken to heart, right?"

After speaking, Mr. Luo looked at the nursery rhyme.

Who knew that the nursery rhyme directly replied to him with Xiao Yijin's same sneer: "Mr. Luo, you don't know me, how do you know that I'm not the kind of person with a small belly?"

After saying a word, Mr. Luo's expression became a little embarrassed.

Afterwards, Xiao Yijin said coolly: "It's true that my girl is not a small-hearted person, but I am."

After the words fell, the people around couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Tong Yao raised her eyes slightly to look at Xiao Yijin, and saw him chuckle and said, "I'm not only small-hearted, but also very vengeful. If anyone bullies me, I must bully him back."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yijin raised her head in full view of everyone, took out the contract from the portfolio, tore it up in front of everyone, and said in a cold tone: "The contract is void, and you , What's your name? Hurry up and apologize, if you don't apologize, there will be no possibility of cooperation between Xiao's Games and you in the future."

Everyone didn't expect that Xiao Yijin would do this for the nursery rhyme. Boss Luo looked at the contract that Xiao Yijin threw on the ground, with a pale face and didn't say a word for a long time.

After a long time, Mr. Luo gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think you want to make this decision instead of Xiao Yan? The 800 million contract, if you say it is void, will it be void?"

"You can ask if I can replace Xiao Yan. Besides, you, Party B, stamped and signed the contract, but we, Party A, did not. This means that the contract has not come into force."

"It is said that like father like son, like your daughter's conduct is not good, so you must be no good. If a company doesn't have a good leader, then I doubt the company's strength and reputation, so I decided to investigate again. Other companies." After hearing Xiao Yijin's words, the person in charge of the Rock's project almost fainted.

He worked hard for this project for a month, and finally signed it, thinking that the dust had settled, but who knew that the contract would become a pile of waste paper in the blink of an eye.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yijin looked at nursery rhyme cautiously, shedding her coldness: "Ugly girl, it's my fault."

The next second, Mr. Feng's crutches had already touched Xiao Yijin's knee, and he said angrily, "Nonsense! Of course it's your fault! If you didn't provoke some rotten peach blossoms every day, would my Yaoyao be able to suffer such grievances? Brat , get up, get out of the way!"

Tong Yao felt that Xiao Yijin was a bit pitiful, so she wanted to say something nice for him: "Grandpa, actually..."

The old man: "Yaoyao, you are not allowed to speak for him!"

After finishing speaking, the old man dragged away the nursery rhyme involuntarily.

Everyone: "..."

They all knew that Second Young Master Xiao acted vigorously and sternly, and he was cold-faced towards everyone, but in front of Mr. Feng, he was as obedient as a rabbit.

Sure enough, this is one thing.

Xiao Yijin was wronged, but he didn't dare to speak.

After all, what the old man said was the truth, this woman named Luo must be bullying the ugly girl because of him.

Mr. Luo was unwilling. Although the amount of the project this time was not very large, if he really lost the opportunity to cooperate with Xiao's Games in the future, it would be like losing a big piece of fat.

So he stretched out his hand and pushed Luo Xuan who was sad beside him, "Go, go and apologize."

(End of this chapter)

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