Chapter 237 Hey, Siri
Luo Xuan was proud and arrogant, so naturally she didn't want to apologize, so she muttered: "Dad, everyone is gone, why should I be humble?"

Hearing this, Boss Luo hated iron and said: "If you offend Feng's Liquor and Xiao's, Dad's position in the business circle will be difficult in the future. For Dad, I will wrong you."

Although Luo Xuan felt uncomfortable, but for the sake of the company, she still followed up and apologized slowly.

It's just that when she walked out slowly, there was no sign of nursery rhyme outside the door, only Xiao Yijin standing under the streetlight alone.

After hesitating for a while, Luo Xuan walked towards Xiao Yijin, kneaded her hands in front of her body for a long time, and then slowly said, "I'm sorry, Second Young Master Xiao, I..."

Before Luo Xuan finished speaking, Xiao Yijin strode forward.

It was as if he hadn't heard her at all.

After returning home, the old man directly confiscated Tong Yao's mobile phone, and Tong Yao asked with a confused face: "Grandpa, what are you doing?"

"Hmph, to prevent you from contacting that kid. There are too many rotten peach blossoms around this kid. It's troublesome. I don't think it's okay." Walk around the room.

For mobile phone parties like nursery rhymes, not having a mobile phone is tantamount to losing their soul.

Besides, she needs to use her mobile phone to verify when she logs in to the game. If the old man takes away her mobile phone, she won't be able to play the game tonight!

She still has to dig for herbs!She also has to go fishing!She's going to mine too!

After thinking about it, Tong Yao ran over and whispered, "Grandpa, you are overthinking, how could this Xiao Yijin contact me? We didn't even add friends on WeChat."

This nursery rhyme did not lie, she did not add Xiao Yijin's wechat friend.

"I don't add WeChat friends, isn't there text messages? Is there QQ? Don't try to fool me." The old man's words made the corners of Tong Yao's mouth twitch. Although her grandfather is old, he still knows a lot.

After thinking for a while, the nursery rhyme said again: "But grandpa, I don't want a mobile phone to contact Xiao Yijin, it's because I need verification to log in to the game."

Mr. Feng knew that nursery rhymes like to play games, and he turned slightly sideways when he heard this.

Just when Tong Yao thought that Mr. Feng was being merciful and wanted to return the phone to her, the old man said with a serious face, "Go, go upstairs. I'll verify the game for you before taking the phone away."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

In desperation, Tong Yao had no choice but to follow Mr. Feng upstairs and log in to the game.

Then he watched helplessly as Mr. Feng went downstairs with her mobile phone.

Back on the first floor, the old man sat on the sofa, stared at Nursery Rhyme's phone for a long time, then suddenly brought the phone to his mouth and said furtively, "Hey, Siri, call Xiao Yijin's phone number."

Siri: "Sorry, I can't find Xiao Yijin's phone number."


Yaoyao didn't save Xiao Yijin's number?

It's not scientific...

Is there another name saved?

After thinking for a while, Mr. Feng put the phone to his lips and said, "Siri, call Yijin's phone number."

Siri: "Sorry, I can't find Yijin's phone number."

Still not right?

Could it be that his girl has actually had an intimate relationship with this brat in private?

Mr. Feng: "Siri, dial my dear's phone number."

Siri: "Sorry, can't find dear's phone number."

"..." It shouldn't be, seeing how nervous the Xiao family boy is, it shouldn't be because they didn't keep each other's numbers.

I don't understand.

The old man turned around suspiciously, but saw Tong Yao standing on the stairs on the second floor looking at him with a smile.

"Cough cough, um... this... that... I'm going to bed, good night, Yaoyao." The old man felt guilty and embarrassed, so he had to quickly enter the room.

Seeing him entering the room, Tong Yao couldn't help laughing.

Her grandfather is really talented, and he can even use Siri to dial.

Incredible, incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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