Chapter 238 Slap in the face 666
After washing up and sitting in front of the computer, Tong Yao saw several unread messages.

He reached out and moved the mouse to click through the information one by one.

Yicun Acacia: "I will lose if I play hide-and-seek with you, because you can't hide if you like someone. Good night."

Tong Yao doesn't remember that this is the first day that Yicun Xiangsi said good night to her, but he only remembers that every time he will attach a rustic love note.

Some can be seen, but some are really unbearable.

To Tong Yao's surprise, since her identity was made public, Yicun Xiangsi doesn't haunt her all day like before.

It seems to have become much deeper.

Goblin: "Liger, why are you online so late today?"

Nursery rhyme: "Something is delayed, what's the matter?"

Little Fairy: "It's okay, is the liger in a bad mood?"

When I saw the nursery rhyme question, I was a little puzzled, so I replied: "No, I'm in a good mood."

After a long time, the little fairy replied: "Isn't the liger planning to find a relationship? It's so boring to play games with this one person. It's romantic to ride horses and swim together with someone."

Riding a horse?

When Nursery Rhyme passed through the cherry blossom forest, she often encountered many players riding horses together, but she wished she had never ridden the same mount with anyone.

In the past, Yiinch Xiangsi often invited her to ride with her, but she refused them all.

Sitting in front of the computer and posting for a while, Nursery Rhyme inexplicably thought of Xiao Yijin, but he didn't know what this guy was called in the game.

But they are very likely to be on the same server, because the server she is on is the one with the hottest local tyrants in the entire game, and Xiao Yijin should also be on this server.

Open the local tyrant leaderboard.

Tong Yao looked at the top ten people, but felt that none of them seemed like Xiao Yijin.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme did not reply to the message for a long time, the little fairy sent another message: "Liger, I think you are very suitable for the god of lovesickness. Although I have only played the game for a few days, I have heard many people say that he is chasing you , why didn't you promise him?"

Tong Yao propped her chin with one hand, and typed with the other hand to reply: "Does he have to agree to him if he chases me?"

Little Fairy: "..."

Even so, Tong Yao still felt that the little goblin was a little strange tonight.

Normally, this child would only ask questions about the attributes of equipment, so why did she suddenly care about her relationship today?

And actually said a good thing about lovesickness.

After thinking about it, the nursery rhyme asked, "Did Yicun Acacia do you any good?"

Little Fairy: "Could it be that Acacia is not good? I think in this game, he is the only one who is worthy of a liger, a tiger, and a duck!"

Nursery Rhyme: "..." it?

It seems that more than one person has had an inch of lovesickness with her, but she always feels weird.

After clearing all the tasks, Tong Yao turned off the computer contentedly and climbed into bed.

A good night's dream.

Early the next morning, Lao Yu sent nursery rhymes to class.

The old man also returned the phone to her.

In the classroom, Tong Yao went straight over and sat next to Jiang Ya, "Xiao Yazi, did you sleep well last night?"

Jiang Ya nodded: "Sleep well, you were not at school last night, but you missed a big show, it was wonderful."

"What big show?" Looking at Jiang Ya's gossip, Tong Yao felt that it must be something serious.

Hearing this, Jiang Ya approached the nursery rhyme, and said cautiously: "Didn't Zhuang Xinyu have a crazy suitor before? I forgot what it was called Nan, and he helped Zhuang Xinyu when he was chasing Zhuang Xinyu." I poured a lot of money into the game, and I also gave a lot of money in reality, after seeing Zhuang Xinyu's bare-faced photos, the goddess was instantly disillusioned, and yesterday I was downstairs in Zhuang Xinyu's dormitory and wanted to pay back the money."

I thought it was some big gossip, but when I heard Zhuang Xinyu's name, the nursery rhyme instantly lost interest: "I don't want to hear about her."

Jiang Ya looked at the appearance of the nursery rhyme, and quickly said: "I haven't finished talking yet, and you are involved in this matter, but later Colonel Xiao came, and slapping the face is called merciless, if I was there, Be sure to call 666 to Colonel Xiao."

 In order to thank the babies for their support, a week-long welfare activity has begun (April 2019th ​​to April 4th, 9). The rules are to participate in the follow-up check-in in the book friend circle (the check-in button in the upper right corner of the book friend circle), daily The 4st, 14rd, 1th, 33th, and 66rd punch cards will receive 99 book currency rewards. Winners need to send screenshots of the punch card page to the book review area. The rewards can be collected from me in the group. Group number: 133. Good luck to everyone~ very I love you, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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