Chapter 244 Are Your Eyes Broken?

"No, I didn't see anything." Wu Jie answered Xiao Yijin without hesitation for a second, but found that Xiao Yijin was still looking at him suspiciously, apparently not believing what he said.

With an idea, Wu Jie suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm watching Jiang Yafa's short video, boss, do you want to watch it?"

"Don't read." As long as it's not about nursery rhymes, Xiao Yijin really doesn't care about other people's affairs.

Seeing that Xiao finally gave up, Wu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief...

Xiao Zihan and Xiao Yijin are twins, and Xiao Yijin is only 2 minutes older than Xiao Zihan, but Xiao Zihan is spoiled by her family, and she always speaks freely.

After drinking some wine, Xiao Zihan blushed and sat beside Xiao Yijin and said, "Second brother, why are you so preoccupied? Come on, sing!"

Listening to Xiao Zihan's words, Xiao Yijin slowly looked away from the phone, and said lazily: "I haven't settled accounts with you yet, so stop hanging around in front of me."

Hearing this, Xiao Zihan immediately became unhappy, pouted and asked, "We haven't seen each other for a long time, and I haven't made you angry anymore, why are you trying to settle accounts with me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin asked coldly: "On the day of my engagement banquet, you received the message that I didn't want to get engaged to her, how did it come out of your mouth that I would rather die alone than marry a nursery rhyme, an ugly monster? "

"I, I didn't say that, don't talk nonsense." Xiao Zihan lowered her head with some guilt, Xiao Yijin was not there when she said this, who is so ignorant and told Xiao Yijin what she said.

Seeing Xiao Zihan's appearance, Xiao Yijin lightly shifted his gaze and leaned on the sofa, and said coldly: "Forget it, it's pointless to pursue this matter now."

"Second brother, I did it for your own good. If I didn't say something serious, the nursery rhyme wouldn't give up completely. Facing her face, I'm going to have nightmares in the middle of the night." Xiao Zihan didn't care at all. She didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, and now, she still felt that she was completely right.

Nursery rhymes are not good enough for his second brother.

Seeing Xiao Yijin's anomaly, Xiao Zihan was startled suddenly, turned his head and asked loudly: "Second brother, don't you like nursery rhymes? My God, your taste is so strong!"

"Heavy taste? Xiao Zihan, what you said is wrong. Nursery rhyme is a well-known goddess of military training without makeup in our university town, and she is also the most popular anchor of Xianmeng game. How can she not be worthy of your second brother?" Hearing someone Wu Jie was the first one not willing to slander nursery rhymes, and immediately supported nursery rhymes.

Xiao Zihan and Xiao Yijin didn't go to university in the same city, and she came here specially because of her birthday this time, so her impression of the nursery rhyme was still on the night of the engagement banquet.

Hearing what Wu Jie said, Xiao Zihan naturally didn't believe it: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could she become an anchor with her rash-covered face, and she is also a goddess of military training without makeup. Don't try to fool me."

Seeing that Xiao Zihan still didn't believe it, Wu Jie directly found the picture of the nursery rhyme and handed it to Xiao Zihan.

With just a glance, Xiao Zihan's eyes sank, "Is this a picture you found on the Internet?"

Wu Jie: "..."

At this time, Sun Yi, who was in the bathroom, opened the door and came back, and said to everyone: "I just passed by a private room, and I heard someone singing "Ask the King's Heart". I feel like..."

Before Sun Yi finished speaking, he saw Wu Jie winking at him, his eyes were almost squeezed out.

After a pause, Sun Yi came to his senses, glanced at Xiao Yijin, and continued, "That girl sings really badly."

(End of this chapter)

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