Chapter 245

Xiao Yijin drank one bottle after another, and there were a lot of empty bottles on the table in front of her.

Seeing this, Zhuang Yi walked over and snatched the wine bottle from Xiao Yijin's hand, frowning and asked, "If you like someone, you should use your shameless spirit to chase after him. You are here to use wine to relieve your worries." What, this really doesn't look like something your Second Young Master Xiao would do."

"The two dead Tsundere met, this matter is really difficult." Ah Zui sat aside and complained softly.

Seeing these people talking one after another, Xiao Zihan's head was even more confused. A Zui and the others have always been contemptuous of girls, so why are they still helping nursery rhymes?

What did she miss...

Xiao Yijin felt bitter, this was his first time chasing a girl, and he thought of all the ways he could think of.

But Tong Yao's girl was hard to chase, and in the end, there was an old man Feng who came out halfway to get in the way.

"No, second brother, don't you like the girl in your photo? Why did it suddenly become a nursery rhyme?" Xiao Zihan's words stunned everyone around him. They are all Xiao Yijin's friends, why did they appear out of nowhere? Is there a girl from the picture?
Hearing this, Xiao Yijin's eyes rolled slightly, "What nonsense are you talking about, where did the girl in the photo come from?"

"Yes, obviously there is." Xiao Zihan looked at everyone, and smiled mysteriously: "The day before school started, I sneaked into the second brother's room without knocking on the door, and I saw him staring at the computer in front of the computer. Looking at a picture of a girl, it’s like staring at a girl, as if wishing to get into the computer.”

"Shut up Xiao Zihan, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Xiao Yijin gave Xiao Zihan a disgusted look, motioning her to shut up.

But Xiao Zihan ran out and hid behind Zhuang Yi and the others, and continued: "I didn't see the girl's appearance very clearly at the time, but she was wearing a school uniform. I said brother, you are not in love with an underage girl, are you? ?”

Hearing this, everyone in the private room looked at Xiao Yijin together.

Stared at by everyone's fiery and gossiping eyes, Xiao was as steady as Mount Tai, and his face did not change. After a long time, he said coldly: "At that time, he was indeed a minor."

Everyone: "!!!"

Xiao Yijin: "But now, I'm an adult."

What kind of answer is this?
Are you playing a nurturing game?

Underage?Adult now?
Sun Yi's brain was running fast, and he quickly found the answer, "I remember we met Nursery Yao in the restaurant to celebrate his birthday shortly after school started, so Nursery Yao was underage before school started, but now Nursery Yao has grown up."

Everyone was shocked.

Zhuang Yi and the others were too scared to speak, they grew up with Xiao Yijin, Xiao Yijin had never been interested in any girls, they even suspected that Xiao Yijin liked men, and now they found out... A long time ago, Xiao had a sweetheart in secret?
And it's not obvious that it's chasing after it (although it didn't catch up)...

It took them a long time to find out...

After more than ten seconds, the dull Xiao Zihan finally realized that the photo his second brother saw on the computer that day was a nursery rhyme?

No wonder... no wonder her father asked Xiao Yijin to go to Tong's house to apologize, and he went there in a hurry...

At that time, she still felt puzzled... Now it seems that her second brother is really hiding something.

She knew that Xiao Yijin was a super face controler. In the past, Sister Ting would always introduce girlfriends to him, so he said: It's not that he doesn't want to fall in love, he's just waiting for a girl he likes at a glance.

And the nursery the person he was talking about.

At this moment, Xiao Zihan was a little curious about nursery rhymes, what kind of girl is this, she doesn't even like a man like his second brother.

(End of this chapter)

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