Chapter 246 Your Wife Was Bullied!
Xiao Zihan still wanted to gossip about nursery rhymes, but Xiao Yijin kept silent. She felt bored, so she went to sing some songs by herself.

At this time, in the private room on the other side, Tong Yao, who had drunk a lot of drinks, got up and went to the bathroom.

The private room was a little stuffy, but the air was better when I came out.

Coming out of the bathroom, Tong Yao walked back, and when he was about to reach the door of the private room, he saw two drunk people walking towards this side, supporting each other.

Tong Yao stood aside a little, letting the two of them pass by.

Unexpectedly, when one of them passed by Tong Yao, he suddenly stopped and looked at her, a smell of alcohol approached Tong Yao, Tong Yao frowned in disgust, walked around the two of them and strode forward.

"Little sister, are you alone? Brother, can I buy you a drink?" The man was so drunk that he was almost unsteady on his way, but he still wanted to reach out to grab Tong Yao's hand. Seeing that wretched expression made Tong Yao feel sick to his stomach.

The nursery rhyme was going fast, and the man chased after him again, muttering some obscene language: "Spend a night with my brother, money is not a problem, labor and capital have money."

Hearing this, Tong Yao showed a hint of displeasure in his eyes, turned around and raised his foot to kick the man's stomach. The man was about to vomit, but he was kicked by Tong Yao, and he fell to the ground and vomited continuously... …

There was vomiting all over the corridor, and the smell made Nursery Rhyme feel a little sick.

She turned around to leave, but the man's companion stood in front of her and yelled towards the private room next to her: "Bitch, don't be ashamed! You dare to hit someone, brothers come!"

This place was very close to their private room, Jiang Ya ran out to watch when she heard the commotion outside, she wanted to watch the excitement, but she saw Tong Yao standing there.

Seeing that someone rushed out of the private room next to her, Jiang Ya was so frightened that her legs went limp, and immediately shouted: "Squad leader, there are two stinky hooligans bullying nursery rhymes!"

Wu Jie came to the toilet, and just opened the door when he heard Jiang Ya's shout, so frightened that he ran forward: "Boss, boss, hurry up, something happened!"

Xiao Yijin narrowed his eyes, and vaguely heard nursery rhymes being shouted outside, so he got up and followed quickly.

The people in the class heard that the nursery rhyme was being bullied, and ran out quickly. As soon as they ran out of the private room, they saw the man's companion taking turns to hit the nursery rhyme.

Before they ran to the edge of Nursery Yao, their fists were about to hit Tong Yao's face. Jiang Ya was so frightened that her voice broke: "Damn rascal, stop! Nursery Yao, run away!"

Xiao Yijin, who walked out of the private room, saw Jiang Ya standing not far away, and then she was sure that she had indeed heard the name of the nursery rhyme just now.

The ugly girl didn't want to come to celebrate his birthday, but came to KTV to sing with others?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yijin's heart turned cold, but when he thought of Wu Jie's terrified eyes just now, he rushed over without thinking about anything else.

He was taller than the others, so he could see the distant scene.

That little trash... actually wanted to beat his girl?
Compared with other people's excitement, Nursery Rhyme is much calmer. She suddenly dodged to the side, raised her foot and kicked the man's knee. The man was a little unsteady when he was drunk. Being kicked, he lost his center of gravity and fell directly on the trash can next to him.

Looking at the two people on the ground, one was vomiting dizzily, and the other was crying ghosts and howling in pain.

The students in the class were sweating coldly...

Is this someone bullying her or is she bullying others...

Zhuang Yi who just ran to the door of the private room wiped his sweat silently: "Sister-in-law is really not an ordinary person."

Ah Zui: "Looks like he should have practiced before."

Ao Haoyu adjusted his glasses with a smile: "Suddenly I feel a little worried about my boss's married life."

Xiao Yijin: "..."

He also worries about himself.

(End of this chapter)

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