The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 247 A group of slags with no fighting power

Chapter 247

"Why the hell did you hit my brother, you little chickens don't want to live anymore, do you?" The man's companions were all a group of social bastards, and the momentum alone completely overwhelmed Jiang Ya and the others.

Looking at the gaudy tattoos on the shoulders of the person in front of him, Jiang Ya's back felt a little chilly, Tong Yao wanted to come over, but was stopped by two people.

Although Jiang Ya was afraid, she couldn't let the nursery rhyme be bullied, so she said: "What are you gangsters capable of? You can bully the weak! Let them go first, how about we gang up on each other?"

Hearing Jiang Ya's obvious lack of confidence, Tong Yao wanted to laugh, but she understood that this girl was worried about her.

Liu Xu pulled Jiang Ya behind him, and said to the person in front of him, "If you want to fight, we will accompany you, but you are not allowed to hit women."

The man sneered, threw the half-smoked cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it, and said arrogantly: "Not only are we going to beat people, but we are also going to take your girls to play with us, what can you do?"

After the man finished speaking, he pretended to pinch Jiang Ya's face. Liu Xu reached out and knocked his hand off: "Trash, don't bully girls!"

After finishing speaking, a man in the opposite crowd suddenly fell to the ground in pain. Liu Xu turned his head suddenly, and saw Xiao Yijin approaching with a murderous look, kicking another man down.

"What can I do? Let my fist tell you what can be done." Xiao Yijin drank some wine, his eyes were a little red, and he slowly rolled his sleeves, but his eyes were a little scary.

Seeing this, Jiang Ya shouted: "Senior, it's them! They are the ones who bullied your wife!"

The three of your wives won Xiao Yijin's heart, he greeted him with a punch, and the mouth and nose of the person who just spoke suddenly bleed!

While the group of men in front of them were still dazed, Zhuang Yi and the others had already thrown off their coats and rushed in, punching them wildly with fists.

It doesn't matter if you beat someone, but you still have to say something.

Zhuang Yi: "Damn it, I miss it so much, suddenly there is the atmosphere of fighting in high school!"

Ah Zui: "No, it's not the same. Without the steel pipe, it's hard to fight."

Ao Haoyu: "These scumbags have no fighting power, noobs, noobs."

Zhuang Yi: "Ah Zui, you've stepped on labor-management shoes!"

Ao Haoyu: "My glasses...the glasses fell off!"


Tong Yao was stunned, what the hell?

These aristocrats are still young masters in fighting?
It doesn't matter that Ah Zui and Zhuang Yi can fight, Ao Haoyu looks like a frail scholar, he's so ruthless.

It's just that Xiao Yijin was rejected during the day, and meeting him here at night is really a bit... embarrassing...

There were seven or eight people on the opposite side, and there were only four of them, and they tidied up the people in minutes.

When the security guards arrived, they were already lying on the ground opposite, Zhuang Yi and the others stood aside as if nothing had happened and fixed their makeup. The security guards looked at them and had no choice but to lift the people lying on the ground out one by one.

It's not that they don't want to take care of it, or they don't dare to take care of it. The boss's son is standing in the middle.

"Sister-in-law, you were very mighty just now." Zhuang Yi walked towards the nursery rhyme with a smile, his smile was very cute, as if he wasn't the one who hit someone just now.

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched when he heard the words: "Everyone, each other."

"I..." Before Zhuang Yi finished speaking, someone grabbed the collar of his collar and threw it aside. Then Xiao walked up to Nursery Yao, looked down at Nursery Yao, and said coldly: "I I think we should talk."

Seeing this, Jiang Ya immediately yelled at the onlookers eating melons: "Let's go, let's go, everyone, let's go quickly."

Xiao Zihan stretched her neck to read the nursery rhyme, but was dragged away by Ah Zui: "Let's go, delaying your second brother's good work, he will never forgive you."

(End of this chapter)

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