Chapter 248 The World Is So Quiet

"I just want to see what nursery rhyme looks like, let me go." Xiao Zihan wanted to break free, but Ah Zui was so close that she couldn't break free at all.

What is the charm of this nursery rhyme that it fascinated her second brother.

Unhappy, she followed Ah Zui and walked forward for a few meters, and she heard a word slowly floating beside her: "She looks like a fairy."

Hearing this, Xiao Zihan was stunned.

Ah Zui has never praised others, and he would not even want him to praise himself on weekdays, but today he actually said that nursery rhymes are fairies?

She knew Tong Manlin. Tong Manlin was very average-looking and had a bad figure.

These two are sisters, is there such a big difference?
So Xiao Zihan asked: "Are nursery rhymes prettier than Tong Manlin?"

Hearing the name Tong Manlin, Ah Zui frowned slightly, then turned his head and asked, "This Tong or something, who is it?"

Xiao Zihan: "..."

Ah Zui and the others had met Tong Manlin before, but he didn't remember the number one person at all, which meant that in Ah Zui's heart, Tong Manlin didn't have any sense of existence.

Sitting in the private room and thinking about it, Xiao Zihan became more and more curious about nursery rhymes.

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a wechat message to Sister Ting: Sister Ting, does my second brother have someone he likes?
Sister Ting: That’s right, that’s right, have you seen her photo, she looks really good-looking, if you have someone who looks half as good-looking, my mother will be satisfied.

After speaking, Sister Ting sent a picture of nursery rhymes.

Sister Ting: This is a candid photo taken by Lao Zhang. How about it? Doesn’t it look good?
Although he was unwilling, Xiao Zihan had to admit that nursery rhymes are indeed beautiful, and they can still look so good under the lens of straight men. No wonder Ah Zui, who has always been picky, called her a fairy.

In the corridor, 5 minutes passed.

The nursery rhyme was still imprisoned by Xiao Yijin between his body and the wall, unable to move.

He wouldn't let himself go, but he didn't speak either.

After standing for a while, there was finally movement on the top of Tong Yao's head, she lowered her head slightly, and asked, "Who is it?"

"What is who?" Nursery Rhyme asked instinctively, and then realized the meaning of his words.

Xiao Yijin was asking who she went out to play with, right?

If Jiang Ya insisted on her coming, she would not have come. After a pause, she said, "I am..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Yijin interrupted him again: "During the day, you rejected me, you said you were going to play games and open up wasteland, but actually sang here with a group of people? Who invited me?" You came? You agreed to his invitation and are unwilling to come out with me? Is he more important than me?"

After drinking, Xiao Yijin lost his sanity a little bit, and he didn't even know what he was talking about.

Originally, the nursery rhyme wanted to explain to him, but his questioning tone made her feel a little uncomfortable, so she looked up at him and said coldly: "It's my freedom to play with whoever I want, don't say you are not my boyfriend, Even if you are my boyfriend, you have no right to interfere with my circle of friends, and I am not your prisoner, so should I be supervised by you wherever I go? Besides..."

Dizzy from drinking, Xiao Yijin lowered her head to see where Nursery Rhyme's mouth was opening and closing, talking non-stop, a strange thought popped up in her head, gag her mouth, so she wouldn't say those irritating words Bar.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yijin lowered her head abruptly, and gently kissed nursery rhyme's chattering little mouth.

The finally quiet.

In an instant, Nursery Rhyme's brain went blank.

After drinking some, Xiao Yijin became a little confused. This was the first time he kissed a girl.

His girl.

The woman he knew from the bottom of his heart.

The streamer in the eyes trembled...

Xiao Yijin smiled lightly, feeling that the weather is sweet.

Mmm, so sweet...

This was Nursery Rhyme's first kiss, no matter how strong she was, she was still a girl, so she was directly dazed by Xiao Yijin's kiss, and after a while, she suddenly woke up.


What was Xiao Yijin doing just now?
Her cheeks started to heat up, Nursery Rhyme didn't have time to think about it, she just stepped on it hard when she lifted her foot.

"Hiss..." Xiao Yijin, who was in a state of intoxication, was trampled on her foot before returning to reality. When she lowered her head, she saw Tong Yao staring at him angrily with wide eyes.


Terrible...he have done something that deserves a beating.

According to this girl's temperament, if she is forced to do something she doesn't want to do, the consequences will be disastrous.

He assures that he was ignorant of everything just now...

But if he did it all over again, he would do it again.

Before Xiao Yijin could react, Tong Yao pushed him back forcefully with both hands, and even kicked him: "Xiao Yijin, you are sick!"

Xiao Yijin took a few steps back and leaned against the wall of the aisle. Nursery Rhyme's eyes were a little red, and the drowsy Xiao found out that something was wrong, and quickly softened his attitude: "I'm sorry ugly girl, I drank too much How about you kiss me back?"

After saying this, Xiao Yijin put her face in front of the nursery rhyme in a shameless manner.

Tong Yao bit her lip and stretched out her hands to press her hot cheeks.

She has seen shameless people before, but she has never seen him so shameless.

"Get out!" Tong Yao bumped Xiao Yijin's face with his head, blushed and said angrily, "Don't let me meet you in the future! Otherwise, I'll beat you every time I see you, shameless!"

Xiao Yijin's face hurt from being hit by nursery rhyme, but he couldn't care less about it. Seeing nursery rhyme walking towards the elevator, he quickly chased after her.

The ugly girl is angry now, if she doesn't hurry up and smooth her hair, then he will really be cold.

After drinking too much wine, Xiao Yijin felt dizzy, shook her swollen head, and followed the nursery rhyme into the elevator.

While still at the door, she was pushed out by the nursery rhyme and almost fell to the ground.

Watching the elevator door close in front of her, Xiao Yijin leaned against the wall and laughed softly: "Hehehe..."

Despite being beaten...

But he kissed her.

It is also earned.

This wave is fine.

He drank too much tonight, if he forced to catch up, he might say something stupid, after all, he was always out of control in front of the ugly girl.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yijin took out her mobile phone and called Lao Zhang: "Old Zhang."

Old Zhang: "Master, are you leaving?"

Xiao Yijin raised her head and said in a low voice, "The ugly girl is down, take her back to school."

Old Zhang: "Master, won't you deliver it yourself?"

Xiao Yijin: "She doesn't want to see me now, so just send it back quickly."

Old Zhang: "OK."

Tong Yao got out of the elevator, raised her hand and wiped her lips.

Turning her head to look at the stairs, Xiao Yijin didn't follow, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief...

This madman.

It was raining outside, and a familiar car stopped beside her within a few steps, and then the window was rolled down, revealing her old face.

Lao Zhang blushed when he saw the nursery rhyme, so he muttered, "Miss Tong, are you feeling unwell? Do you have a fever? I'll take you to the hospital."

 Fifth update, another update is added today! (Tomorrow's punch card will be 1, 33, 66, 99, 133. Congratulations to the baby who won the prize today. Don't be sad if you don't win the prize. I have received everyone's wishes, and the red envelopes in the successful PK promotion group on Friday~) Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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