Chapter 252
You Yun: "That's right, guest officer boss, although we know you are a beautiful woman, but the boss is also very handsome, he must be worthy of you."

Seeing this message, Tong Yao's mouth twitched slightly.

Then type: "Yiinch Xiangsi is handsome? Have you seen him?"

You Yun: "I... I believe he is very handsome."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Tears of Allure: "Guest officer, the boss is the number one god in the whole server, how many girls want to marry him, but he only likes you. Isn't it good to meet a relationship in the game?"

Kidney Treasure: "That's right, Mr. Guest Officer, our boss has worked hard to send you a thousand miles away. If you don't wait for him to give it to you first, I guarantee that you will fall in love with him as soon as you see him."

She didn't think an inch of lovesickness could be so handsome.

Besides, she is not that kind of superficial person.

If she paid so much attention to appearance, then why was she not tempted when she saw Xiao Yijin for the first time.

Thinking of this, Tong Yao suddenly froze,

Why did he suddenly think of that smelly and shameless guy?

Nursery rhyme: "Everyone, don't worry about me. I don't want to find love now. If I want to find love in the future, then let's talk about it."

Superman: "But you can't find someone as good as our boss."


Everyone said something to each other, but there was a posture of forcing a marriage.

Tong Yao felt a little headache, so he clicked on the teleportation point and teleported to the fishing spot in the suburbs.

Walking by the lake to find a suitable fishing spot, I saw Yicun Xiangsi standing by the lake from a distance.

It's not that nursery rhymes pay special attention to him, but that the special effects on him are too cool.

Not far from Yiinch Xiangsi, Tong Yao bought bait and started fishing. This Yiinch Xiangsi was really calm.

He instigated the players in the sect to match him, but he himself was fishing leisurely here.

After a while, Yicun Xiangsi sent a message: "How are you thinking?"

Nursery rhyme: "I don't want to find love."

Yicun Acacia: "Why?"

Nursery rhyme: "Trouble."

This nursery rhyme is telling the truth. The love affairs in the game are always unclear with the ex-ex-ex, and often make troubles.

Moreover, she felt free alone.

After a while, Yicun Xiangsi replied: "Okay, I understand, I won't force you in the future."

Nursery Rhyme: "Huh?"

Yicun Xiangsi: "Because I think some things will come naturally, if I am too anxious, it will make you disgusted, so I decided to change my strategy."

What he said surprised Tong Yao a bit, why did he suddenly have this kind of ideological awareness?
After a while, Yicun Xiangsi sent another message: "See if you didn't say a word on the sect channel today. Is there something on your mind? I'll take you to relax."

After speaking, Yicun Xiangsi flew onto the bamboo raft by the lake with light work. Many boats and bamboo rafts in the game can slide. Nursery rhyme used to like to row a boat alone to see the scenery, but it has never happened with others .

After thinking about it, Tong Yao flew onto the bamboo raft.

Yicun Acacia stands behind and slides the bamboo raft, and Nursery Rhyme stands in front facing the wind.

One black and one white figure is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

The bamboo raft sailed slowly into the distance, facing the setting sun, Tong Yao suddenly thought, if Xiao Yijin came to ask her to row the boat together, would she agree?

Will she readily agree, or will she throw him into the water.

Sitting on a chair and staring at the slowly moving bamboo raft on the screen, Tong Yao fell into deep thought unconsciously.

"Ding dong, ding dong." Continuous message reminders sounded, and Tong Yao came back to his senses and reached out to click on the message, only to find that Yicun Xiangsi had sent several messages in a row, and she hadn't replied yet.

Just as she was about to reply, Yicun Xiangsi sent again: "What are you thinking?"

Nursery Rhyme's pretty fingers moved lightly on the keyboard: "I want... to be alone."

Xiao Yijin on the other end of the computer narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw the message.

 Today is also a day for adding updates, the fifth update is over, I love you all! (Tomorrow's punch card winning rankings, 1, 33, 66, 99, 133), good night!
(End of this chapter)

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