Chapter 253: Exchange Secrets
He typed who in the chat dialog box, and added five or six hello exclamation marks.

The finger presses the enter key but has not pressed it down for a long time

I offended the ugly girl yesterday because I was too anxious. Now the phone has been hacked. If the game is hacked again, it will really be over.

After a pause for a few seconds, Xiao Yijin deleted the word who, typed a sentence and sent it: "Yo, is this a sweetheart?"

Tong Yao raised her eyebrows slightly when she received the message.

Is Yicun Acacia gossiping about herself?

From childhood to adulthood, nursery rhyme kept everything on her mind, but seldom talked to others.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme did not reply for a long time, Xiao Yijin frowned tightly. Did he say something wrong again?
Sun Yi turned his head and looked at Xiao Yijin's frowning face, feeling that he was a little pitiful, so he walked over to look at the screen, and then said in a naughty voice: "Boss, do you believe me?"

Xiao Yijin raised her eyes: "Why?"

"I have a way to let you know what you want to ask. Would you like to let me chat with nursery rhymes instead of you?" After Sun Yi finished speaking, seeing Xiao Yijin's indifference, he patted his chest and promised: "Boss, don't worry. , if my trick doesn't work, you don't even need to take me with you when you have a big meal this month."

"Deal." After speaking, Xiao Yijin stood up and told Sun Yi to sit down.

Sun Yi sat down, with a sinister smile on his lips, and sent a message to Tong Yao: "Let's exchange secrets, shall we? If one day you find out that I have leaked your secrets, you can inform the whole server of my secrets. "

Exchange secrets?Standing behind Sun Yi, Xiao Yijin gave him a disgusted look, thinking how capable this guy is.

Upon receiving the news, Tong Yao raised her eyebrows lightly, she did have a lot of worries in her heart, but she didn't think Yicun Xiangsi was a good person to talk to.

Forget it, just ignore him.

After 2 minutes, Xiao Yijin hadn't seen the reply from the nursery rhyme, so she glared at Sun Yi and said in a bad tone, "Can you do it?"

"If she agrees so easily, is she still a nursery rhyme? Boss, don't worry, everything must be done step by step." After speaking, Sun Yi narrowed his eyes, thought of a way, and started working on the keyboard again.

Seeing this, Wu Jie and Xiao Jian immediately ran over to watch and eat melons.

Nursery rhyme just caught a big fish, and Yicun Xiangsi sent another message: "I'm in a bad mood recently, and I want to talk to someone, but it's not right for a big man to talk to my brother, and I don't have a so-called confidante. Think about it." Go, I'd better tell you."

Nursery Rhyme: "Why Me?"

Yicun Acacia: "I guess, you also have a lot of things on your mind that you can't talk about, so we can be each other's tree holes."

tree hole?

Tong Yao's eyes sank, and she always felt that something was weird. After thinking for a while, she moved her finger lightly: "I'm afraid you are trying to trick me, aren't you?"

"Ahem...fuck, you're so smart, aren't you?" Wu Jie laughed so hard that tears flowed down his face. Sun Yi had been following the nursery rhyme for a long time, but the nursery rhyme was not fooled at all, and he directly exposed the bloody fact.

Sun Yi's expression was also a little awkward. He knew that the nursery rhyme was clever, but he didn't expect her to speak out her purpose directly.

Don't panic, don't panic.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Yi sent another message to Tongyao: "I know you have concerns as a big anchor, but I'm also a big celebrity in Xianmeng Game, if my secret is made public, I'll hate it if I think about it." There is no benefit, as a matter of sincerity, let me tell you a secret, let me see if it is sincere enough?"

Seeing this, Nursery Rhyme became a bit interested, and she treated it as a pastime to pass the time, and she didn't have to tell her secrets, she could pick some unimportant things to talk about.

So he replied: "Okay, you say."

(End of this chapter)

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