Chapter 254 What's the Secret

After getting the reply, Sun Yi happily turned his head to look at Xiao Yijin: "Boss, come on, I'll leave it to you now, tell me any secret you have."

Xiao Yijin glanced expressionlessly at the gossiping eyes of the three people in the dormitory, and said coldly, "I have no secrets."

"Who says there isn't one, I know one!" After Wu Jie finished speaking, he bent over to the keyboard and typed a few words. Before Xiao Yijin could see it clearly, he had already sent it.

After sending the message, Wu Jie rushed out the door in an instant.

The speed at which it disappeared was terrifying.

After the astonishment passed, the three of Xiao Yijin slowly moved their gazes to the screen.

Seeing the message just sent, Xiao Yijin's eyes darkened, she turned around and walked to the door of the dormitory, locked the door behind her, and said coldly: "No one can let him in today."

Information content: "I am a department."

Sun Yi and Xiaojian were almost suffocated from laughing, but Xiao's air pressure was too low for them to speak.

Tong Yao, who was drinking water, saw the message and sprayed it immediately.

This time it was Shenbao who broke the news to her last time that Yicun Acacia was a good thing, but this time it came from the mouth of the deity, which is really a bit unbelievable.

The weirdest thing is that Shenbao and the others say in the group every day that Yicun Xiangsi fights with the little girl for [-] rounds, and such a person is still...

No, in her perception, this guy is an old man, it's unscientific, unscientific.

As if it was time for her to tell a secret of her own, Tong Yao lay on the table thinking for a while, then got up to type.

Xiao, who had been waiting in front of the computer for a few minutes, felt his heart tremble when he heard the voice of the message, and then saw the message of the nursery rhyme: "Actually, I am left-handed."

"Hahahahahaha..." Sun Yi finally couldn't help laughing out loud, who wants to know if she is left-handed?

Xiaojian: "The trousers are all taken off, can you show me this?"

Xiao Yijin's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "Stay aside."

It took a long time for Yicun Xiangsi's next secret to come, Tong Yao wondered if this guy didn't believe that he was left-handed, so he sent another message explaining: "I'm really left-handed, but I can write with both hands, so Normal people can't see it."

Xiao, who received the explanation of the nursery rhyme, turned dark again.

Xiao Yijin could even imagine the serious appearance of nursery rhymes, but that's not what he wanted to know, okay?
"Go away, I'll come." Xiao Yijin drove Sun Yi and Xiaojian away, then stood in front of the computer for a while, hesitated for a long time, and then bent down to type a few words.

"Ding dong." The message notification sounded, Tong Yao clicked on it, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Yicun Acacia: "I used to watch the girl I liked sleeping at night, but I didn't dare to kiss her."

What the fuck?

Is this the secret of lovesickness?

Don't dare to kiss?
The nursery rhyme gloated and typed: "Hahahahaha, then you are really cowardly."

Yicun Xiangsi: "Counsel? Then you mean, if there is a next time, I should feel at ease and boldly kiss?"

Nursery rhyme has always been used to driving in the group, so he didn't stop the car, and replied directly: "Of course, the beauty is in my arms, so we must kiss Fangze! How can there be any reason to just chat under the quilt!"

Seeing the message of the nursery rhyme, Xiao's cloudy face immediately cleared up. He stretched out his hand to take a quick screenshot, and then saved the picture.

Only then did she slowly reply to the nursery rhyme: "I think what you said is very reasonable. Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books."

Tong Yao didn't know that she had set herself up, so she replied with a confused face: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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