The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 255 Listening to Jun 1 Chapter, Better than Reading New Year Books

Chapter 255 Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books
Why does it feel weird?

Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books... it used in this place?
It seemed that it was her turn to tell the secret, but what should she say.

After thinking for a long time, Tong Yao didn't come up with it, but saw Yicun Xiangsi who was standing on the bamboo raft suddenly got up and walked to the opposite of her, and then her screen was covered with rose petals.

System message: The player Yicun Acacia has a lot of affection for the player Keguan Bubu, and sent 9999 roses, which made Keguan Bubu blushed in shock!
The flower petals fluttered in the wind and fell on the lake...

The petals are all over the sky, and they haven't dissipated for a long time.

Twenty groups of 9999 roses in a row envy others.

Because of these flowers, Nursery Rhyme topped the charm list of this server, and won the title: Overwhelming Country and Overwhelming City.

Nursery Rhyme: "Waste of Money."

Yicun Acacia: "It's not a waste to spend it on you. One day, I will be yours, and my money will naturally be yours."

Nursery rhyme: "Where did you get your confidence?"

Yicun Acacia: "Just wait and see."

Tong Yao sneered in her heart, "Okay, I'll wait."

On this day, there was a long rain of flower petals on the lake in the outskirts of the city.

Many female players in the game are envious.

Not only are they envious of those words, but they are even more envious of the fact that the guest officer can get an inch of Acacia's love.

Zhuang Xinyu was originally writing, but when she saw the series of flower delivery messages, she bit her lip.

When she was with Yicun Acacia, let alone 9999 roses, he never sent any of them.


The senior likes nursery rhymes, but the nursery rhymes have a deep affection with the master in the game, the senior should not know it?

Remembering how Xiao Yijin slapped her face in public at school, Zhuang Xinyu resisted the urge to call Xiao Yijin again.

After thinking about it, she found Zhuang Yi's WeChat and sent a message: Brother, do you know what Xiao Yijin's game nickname is in Xianmeng?

She didn't know that the last pk account was not Xiao Yijin's account, because she had already asked, and the other party said that the account was lent to Xiao Yijin.

After five or six minutes, Zhuang Yi replied: I don't know, what do you want to do?I'm warning you, Zhuang Xinyu, don't think about destroying other people's feelings.

Zhuang Xin's tone exploded, and she quickly typed: I am your sister!If you don't help me, you want to help outsiders!

Zhuang Yi: You have known Yijin for so many years, and he doesn't like you at all. Don't insult yourself. He and nursery rhyme are not in love with each other. The marriage contract is set. If you continue to make trouble, it will only make you angry I'm embarrassed.

Zhuang Xinyu: I didn't make a fuss, I just wanted to know the senior's game nickname, you and him have been brothers for so many years, you must know, right?

Zhuang Yi: I don't know.

After that, no matter what messages Zhuang Xinyu sent, Zhuang Yi never replied to her again.

After thinking for a long time, Zhuang Xinyu finally sent someone a message: "What I told you before, prepare yourself and wait for my announcement tonight."

The other party replied: "I want double the price."

Zhuang Xinyu: "Deal."

In winter, it gets dark very early in the imperial capital, and it is already completely dark after six o'clock.

Tong Yao and Jiang Ya went to the dormitory after dinner.

The phone in his pocket rang after he hadn't gone far. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, nursery rhyme waited for a long time before picking it up: "Hello, hello."

A strange man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, is this a nursery rhyme?"

Nursery rhyme: "Yes."

Man: "Please go to the north gate to pick up the courier. It's too cold, please hurry up."

"Which courier?" Tong Yao hadn't finished speaking, the other party had hung up the phone, she checked the logistics, and there were two items being delivered.

Although the number of the courier was not called just now, there were often inconsistent numbers in the past, so she didn't think much about it, so she said to Jiang Ya: "I'm going to get the courier, you go back first."

"Cough cough." Jiang Ya caught a cold and coughed a little. Seeing that the sky was dark and she had to go through a forest to get to the north gate, she always felt that it was too late and unsafe, so she said, "I'll go with you."

"No, go back and take your medicine and cover your bed. We don't often go to the north gate to pick up the courier. There are a lot of people." After speaking, Tong Yao put his hands into his coat pocket, turned and walked towards the north gate.

(End of this chapter)

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