Chapter 256 Someone steals the business!
Xiao Yijin, who was standing not far away, watched Tong Yao walking towards the north gate, frowned slightly, and said to herself, "What is she going to the north gate for?"

Sun Yi yawned and said, "I answered the phone and left, take the courier."

express delivery?
Xiao Yijin narrowed his eyes, and he remembered that there seemed to be a small forest on the way to the north gate. Although the north gate can be reached by taking the main road, it is more devious, and it is much faster to take the small road.

It's so cold to pick up the courier at night, the ugly girl will definitely take a shortcut.

He went to ambush, to surprise the ugly girl, and by the way, apply to be removed from the blacklist.

Thinking of this, the corner of Xiao Yijin's mouth curled up, and he hurried to the other direction to let him go. He had to go to that place in advance to hide.

Walking along the way, there are few people. It takes a long distance to see someone coming, and occasionally one or two people are holding a courier in their hands.

Tong Yao walked forward slowly, not knowing at all that there were several pairs of evil eyes staring at her in the woods not far away.

In the dark, several people were whispering.

"This is our goal this time? Damn, it looks really iconic."

"Death under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic. This figure and this face are really worth it."

"Lao Ma, is the medicine you prepared okay? Make sure you'll faint her in just one click, otherwise we'll lose all our lives and money!"

"Don't worry, fourth brother, it's okay. I'm a strong medicine. People are coming, so stop talking."


This grove doesn't look like much in the daytime, but at night because of the cover of the shrubs, the Tibetans are somewhat hidden.

Watching nursery rhyme stepping into the grove, the few people squatting behind the bushes were ready to go.

"Nursery rhyme! Nursery rhyme! Where are you going!" A boy's voice came, and the people in the darkness suddenly became nervous. They didn't come sooner or later, but it happened at this time!
Hearing the sound, Tong Yao turned around and saw Liu Xu trotting towards her with a bag in his hand.

"I'm going to get the courier, what do you want?" Tong Yao said lightly.

Looking at the nursery rhyme at close range, Liu Xu was so nervous that he couldn't speak. He took a few deep breaths before asking: "I have a birthday on the weekend, and I want to invite you to have dinner together. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to have dinner with you alone. It’s a lot of people together, a lot of people.”

In the memory of nursery rhymes, monitor Liu Xu has always been a strong and capable person, but he never thought that he would be so shy when facing him.

After thinking for a while, Tong Yao said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to grandpa's house with my fiancé this weekend, so I don't have time. I wish you a happy birthday in advance."

She didn't mean to use Xiao Yijin as a shield, but it was the most effective method, and she didn't want Liu Xu to have any thoughts about her.

Liu Xu felt a chill when he heard this, fiance?
Although many people in the school thought that Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao had established a relationship, after his observation, Xiao Yijin came to find Tong Yao several times, and Tong Yao's expression was rather cold, not like a couple at all...

That's why he wanted to... give it a try...

who knows……

The nursery rhyme didn't reject him directly, but he understood from her words that she had a fiancé, and the fiancé went to the elder's house with her...

She sensed her own intentions, so she politely rejected him.

But when she said this, she deliberately saved face for her.

"Oh, it's a pity that we can't go there. What are you going to get? Is it heavy? Let me help you." Liu Xu laughed.

"No need, I just bought a gaming keyboard, it's not heavy, thank you." After speaking, Tong Yao turned and walked into the grove.

After walking a few steps forward, the men were about to make a move.

A tall man suddenly jumped out of the bushes on the other side of the path, directly blocking Nursery Rhyme!
Several people:"……" there still someone robbing business?
 Good night! (Tomorrow's winning nouns 1, 33, 66, 99, 133)

(End of this chapter)

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