Chapter 264

cut. " Tong Yao gave Xiao Yijin a blank look, expressing her disbelief.

Seeing her small appearance, Xiao, who had been dark all night, softened his expression a little, "I told them that if they surrender themselves, I will give each of them 5000 yuan, and I will let them tell the police that they are innocent. Wake up, you can't do illegal and criminal things, so you gave up the kidnapping and surrendered yourself. In this case, the circumstances are relatively minor. They all have criminal records and have money to get them. Naturally, they don't care about these things. As for Zhuang Xinyu, this is an accident. "

Accident?The guy said it lightly.

This guy looks serious, but he's actually full of bad ideas.

But this matter, after all, is Zhuang Xinyu's fault. After all, if she hadn't done anything, she wouldn't have gotten herself into the police station.

After such a thing happened, Tong Yao naturally knew that the so-called delivery number was a trap.

Turning around and walking towards the dormitory, Xiao Yijin followed quickly, and said as she walked, "Although Uncle Zhuang doesn't like Zhuang Xinyu, he won't really see her suffer from this prison. Uncle Zhuang should come over tomorrow. I may ask you to discuss private reconciliation sometime, what do you think?"

"My thoughts depend on Zhuang Xinyu's attitude." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she stopped talking.

Before reaching the dormitory, Tong Yao's phone vibrated, and it turned out to be a push message from Xianmeng Game.

Qianyingshuiyue will soon merge with the Universal Shengping server.

Seeing this information, Tong Yao couldn't help feeling a little sad.

The reason why the game servers are merged can only explain one problem, that is, the number of real players is decreasing. In order for players to have a better game experience, two servers or even more servers will be merged together to achieve data exchange.

For the past four years, the number of Xianmeng players has been high, but now, the first server merge has begun, which is not a good sign.

Back in the dormitory, Nursery Rhyme turned on the game on the computer.

The Discovery World Channel is all about server merges.

"It's not uncommon for Qianying Shuiyue to combine servers. If their server wasn't supported by the Zero Degree Illusion, there wouldn't be any rich people in the first place."

"Our server is the most popular server in Xianmeng. If we merge dozens of other servers, it won't be our turn. Don't be impatient, everyone."

"That's right, even if the number of players in our game decreases, there are still millions of real active players. Last time we were listed on the online game data list, we had three times as many players as No.2. Don't worry, don't worry. The game will not be shut down for decades.”


This game has accompanied her through the most difficult years, and she really can't imagine what it will be like if this game is suddenly shut down one day.

I followed Shenbao and the others to download the book together, but saw a message from Yicun Xiangsi: "Don't worry, Qianying Shuiyue and Sihai Shengping's server merger is not due to the loss of real players, and you will definitely let your daughter inherit your account in the future. "

Seeing this message, Tong Yao's mouth twitched, and she typed lazily: "How do you know?"

Yicun Acacia: "The customer service elf told me."

Speaking of exclusive overcoming, Nursery Rhyme is a bit depressing. Players who have recharged more than [-] will have their own exclusive customer service wizard. If you encounter problems in the game, you can directly consult the customer service wizard.

The customer service elves will notify you of any activities as soon as possible. Other people's elves are all coquettish and cute soft girls. If you are bored, you can flirt with them.

As for the nursery rhymes, I don't know how lucky I am to meet an extremely cold customer service elf.

Don't talk about being cute... Except for sending notifications, she is like a dead person.

After thinking about it, Tong Yao replied: "Then how do you know that I will have a daughter in the future, and the customer service elf told you?"

Yicun Xiangsi: "Yes, the customer service elf also told me that the two of us are destined for three lives and three generations."

The nursery rhyme is speechless: "..."

 Good night! (Tomorrow is the last day of the check-in event. Come on everyone, the winning noun is
(End of this chapter)

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