Chapter 265 You Smelly Shameless

Nursery rhyme: "Your customer service is as shameless as you are."

Yicun Acacia: "..."

Looking at the time, Tong Yao casually reported a cross-server battle, and she hasn't won her first victory of the day yet.

Yawning, Tong Yao lay lazily on the table.

The mobile phone placed on the table vibrated suddenly. Tong Yao took the mobile phone and looked at it. It was a message from Tong Shuo: "I heard that you bullied the dealer's lady? Hurry up and apologize."

After reading the message, Tong Yao's eyes turned cold, and he threw the phone back on the table.

Why is she apologizing?
Ten minutes later, Tong Yao was fighting on the cross-server battlefield, and Tong Shuo sent another text message: "You still framed someone into the police station? Tong Yao, can't you let me worry?"

The bad mood at first was even worse now.

Tong Shuo's disgusting face appeared in front of his eyes, and Tong Yao became more and more irritable in his heart, and directly turned off the phone and threw it aside.

After playing the copy, Tongyao exited the game and went offline.

Xiao Yijin saw that the game portrait of Nursery Rhyme had turned gray, and her fingertips lightly paused on the keyboard.

Ugly girl still has some tasks to complete, so it must be something happened when she suddenly goes offline, right?

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yijin's eyes sank slightly, probably related to what happened tonight.

It is impossible for Uncle Zhuang to sit idly by watching Zhuang Xinyu enter the prison, and to upset the ugly girl. It is probably Tong Shuo's side that is messing up again.

"Fuck, boss, can you stop being in a daze, don't you feel ashamed to see that you can still be shot to death by the boss as a master?" Wu Jie turned his head to look at Xiao Yijin, only to find that Xiao Yijin was still in a daze, as if he hadn't Hearing his words is normal.

Things about nursery rhymes and Zhuang Xinyu were rumored tonight, and Xiao Yijin's face had been somber since she came back, which also made it impossible for Wu Jie and Sun Yi to ask questions.

"Fuck, have you heard? Zhuang Xinyu was actually taken away by the police!" After returning from the library, Xiaojian opened the door to share secrets with his roommates as if he had discovered a new world, but he saw Wu Jie and the others with a look on his face. Calm, not even the slightest bit surprised.

Scratching her head in embarrassment, Xiaojian closed the door on her body: "You all know? If Zhuang Xinyu is sentenced, it means that her whole life is over. I heard many people say that she was arrested by the police because of nursery rhymes. They also said that their nursery rhymes are vicious."

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin suddenly raised her head and looked at Xiaojian, "Who did you hear that from?"

Xiaojian was frightened by Xiao Yijin's cold eyes, and silently swallowed her saliva: "I heard two girls say it when I came out of the library, boss, I didn't say that, I naturally believe in nursery rhymes Not the vicious kind."

Xiao Yijin couldn't understand what happened at that time. Zhuang Xinyu called the police and arrested herself. Why do people still say that it was the nursery rhyme police?

Being in jail is a devastating blow to a college student, many people naturally would not believe that Zhuang Xinyu would be so stupid.

And it just so happened that this woman Zhuang Xinyu was just that stupid.

I thought that with Zhuang Xinyu being taken away by the police, this matter would come to an end, but now it seems that the matter is not over at all.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yijin stood up and began to put on her clothes.

Wu Jie wondered, "Boss, are you going out? The door will be locked soon."

"I have something to go out for a while." Xiao Yijin put on her scarf, fully armed herself, and walked out.

It was already late, and there were very few people on campus. When passing by the downstairs of the nursery rhyme dormitory, Xiao Yijin suddenly stopped in her tracks.

He looked in the direction of the nursery rhyme dormitory for a long time...

Then, the entire dormitory building was seen plunged into darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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