Chapter 266 Who is Xiao Xiaobao?
He took out his mobile phone and dialed Lao Zhang's number. Hearing the movement on the other end of the phone, Xiao Yijin thought it was connected, but he heard Lao Zhang's ringtone: "I'm looking into the distance, above the moon..."

Listening to this song from who knows how many years ago, Xiao Yijin frowned in disgust. Ten seconds later, Lao Zhang finally answered the phone: "Hey, master, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yijin: "Please change the color ring."

Old Zhang on the other end of the phone was a little confused: "Master... did you call me at night just to let me change the ringtone?"

Xiao Yijin sighed: "Contact Lawyer Luo for me, I have something to ask him."

"Luo...Lawyer Luo? Young master, didn't you cause trouble?" Old Zhang was so frightened that he stuttered.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Xiao Yijin couldn't help shivering, "Why are you so nagging? If I tell you to contact me, just contact me, and let him come to my residence to find me tomorrow morning."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yijin pulled up the mask and the scarf to cover herself tightly, then turned and walked towards the school gate.

He can't let the ugly girl be threatened by Tong Shuo again, he must preemptively strike.

In the girls' dormitory, nursery rhymes were lying on the bed and posting them on Moments.

The wind howls outside the window, and Tong Yao's heart cannot be calmed down.

Jiang Ya lay on the bed and looked at her phone for a long time before she turned over and asked, "Tongyao, did you quarrel with Senior Colonel Xiao?"

Hearing this, Tong Yao was slightly taken aback, but his eyes did not move away from the phone, "Why do you ask that?"

"Wu Jie just asked me if you had any unusual behavior. He said that Senior Colonel Xiao was unhappy all night, and then he actually left the dormitory just now." Jiang Ya actually found something wrong with the nursery rhyme.

But she knows nursery rhymes, if she doesn't want to speak up herself, she won't say anything if you ask her.

Leaving the dormitory?

Tong Yao gently put down the phone and said in a low voice, "I didn't quarrel with him."

She didn't know why Xiao Yijin had to leave, but what bothered her was Tong Shuo.

Tomorrow the police will definitely notify her to assist in the investigation, and by that time they don't know what tricks Zhuang Xinyu will pull out.

It's not that she's afraid of Zhuang Xinyu, it's just that she feels a little tired.

I don't want to spend extra time on these irrelevant people.

Tossing and turning on the bed for a long time, Nursery Rhyme finally fell asleep.

She had a dream. In the dream, she entered the game world, and Yicun Xiangsi full server voice transmission proposed to her, and she agreed.

They also had a child, and Yicun Xiangsi named the child Xiao Xiaobao.

Xiao Xiaobao...

This is so earthy...

But why the last name is Xiao...

The nursery rhyme was still despising lovesickness, and then the alarm clock rang.

Jiang Ya stretched out her hand and pulled down the quilt covering her head and asked: "Tongyao, you are talking in your sleep, who is Xiao Xiaobao?"

"No, no one." Tong Yao quickly denied it, got up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom in a second.

Jiang Ya was frightened, the nursery rhyme was the most bedridden person she had ever seen, but today, just because she asked who Xiao Xiaobao was?

She... She actually got up in a second?
Judging by her appearance, she is clearly trying to escape.


This is a big question, who is Xiao Xiaobao?

Is it Colonel Xiao's rival in love?
Thinking of this, Jiang Ya took out her phone and immediately sent Wu Jie a WeChat message: Wu Jie, do you know Xiao Xiaobao?
Wu Jie, who was drinking soy milk and going to the classroom, saw the name and frowned slightly: "Boss, do you know Xiao Xiaobao?"

(End of this chapter)

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