Chapter 276

It's already one o'clock at noon...

No wonder, I'm hungry.

Seeing a lot of people @her information, rubbing his eyes, Tong Yao opened WeChat and looked.

It's okay not to look at it, but I was stunned when I saw it.

Tears of Allure: Damn, you still say it's a bug. What kind of bug is it because you married yourself?
Dijia Altman: Unfortunately, I thought that the guest officer really married my trumpet. If you said it was true, our boss would be so pitiful.

You Yun: But many people have taken screenshots, so how can it be a BUG? It’s not clear, right?
Shenbao: Since when did this Fairy Dream game become so watery?There is still such a bug, but it's not a bug, so the account of the guest official boss was back to single early this morning, and the column of love is empty, there is no such thing at all.

Seeing this, Tong Yao couldn't help being stunned, and rushed out of bed to turn on the computer.

Originally, her computer started up very quickly, but the time of twenty seconds still felt abnormally long.


It shouldn't be, I have obviously gone through all the procedures.

After opening the game, Tong Yao quickly clicked on her homepage, and found that the column of love was... empty...

Really empty.

She refreshed it several times in a row, but still nothing, even the marriage certificate issued by the wedding last night disappeared.

Damn it, is this system a hell?
"Ding dong." The message notification sounded, and Nursery Rhyme clicked on it to see that it was an email from Xianmeng official: Dear Xianyou, due to the unnecessary impact caused by the system failure, in order to express our apology, we hereby send Hundreds of thousands of Lingshi as compensation, I hope you can understand.

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

One hundred thousand spirit stones?

Soon... Tong Yao found out that not only he had received [-] spirit stones, but all the players in this server had also received [-] spirit stones.

Nursery rhyme is really in a hurry, why does this bug always appear on her body.

I still remember that the last time she blocked Yicun Xiangsi, it was also because of a system bug that Yiinch Xiangsi returned to the friend list by herself.

And this time it was even more extreme, I finally got married, and woke up after sleeping to find that the relationship was gone?

After thinking about it, Nursery Rhyme sent a message to the customer service elf: Hey, pretend to be dead, hurry up and pee!
Customer service wizard:?
Nursery rhyme: I got married last night, but this morning the love is gone, can you ask the technical department to restore it to me?

Customer service elf: No, you get married again, this time I promise that there will be no bugs.

Nursery Rhyme: ...

Nursery rhyme: The little elves in other people's homes are all cute and coquettish, what would you do?Everything can't be handled well, I'm going to apply to replace you.

Customer Service Wizard: Oh.

Cold as always.

It will be Christmas in a few days. If I can't find love in these few days, then I will miss the first fashion.

Although there is still a chance to get the fashion in the future, the first piece of each suit is unique.

Ahhh...I really want fashion.

Knowing that the nursery rhyme has lost love again, Gao Zhan and his wife in the sect are all gearing up.

Neither of the two most vicious people can participate, so they still have to work hard for the sake of fashion.

Flying up the city wall with lightness skills, sitting on the edge of the city wall, thinking for a long time, Tong Yao decided to get married again in the middle of the night today.

If she succeeded last night, it means that she can do it tonight.

This system can't be bugged every day, can it?
Thinking of this, Nursery Rhyme's mood improved a bit.

At this time, Xiao Yijin was busy sitting in front of the computer in the technical department at the headquarters of Xianmeng Company.

Xiao Liu stared at Xiao Yijin for a long time, then asked weakly: "Mr. Xiao, what kind of script are you going to do? Why is it so complicated?"

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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