The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 277 Don't Try to Escape From His Palm

Chapter 277 Don't Try to Escape From His Palm

"You will know when you grow up." Xiao Yijin threw out such a sentence, and then continued to work hard.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yijin finally finished the script, threw a piece of paper on the table, stood up and stretched, and said, "You hack into this IP address, and then install this script on her computer."

The corner of Xiao Liu's mouth twitched: "Wouldn't it be faster for you to come by yourself?"

Xiao Yijin reached out and patted Xiao Liu on the shoulder: "1000 yuan."

"Okay." In just a second, Xiao Liu was already sitting in front of the computer.

After stretching her muscles and bones, Xiao Yijin walked out slowly.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao."

"Second Young Master, when will we discuss the cooperation with Lanyin Games?"

"Second Young Master, I have a document here that needs your signature."


Xiao Yijin yawned, and glanced at everyone coldly: "Look for Xiao Yan, I'm not free today."

"What are you up to, you?" Xiao Yan opened the office door and grabbed Xiao Yijin.

Being caught straight, Xiao Yijin frowned slightly, turned her head and saw that there seemed to be a girl sitting in Xiao Yan's office, and immediately changed the subject: "Hey, who is it? What's the matter? Are you leaving the order?"

His big brother has always been number one in games, so it's a bit strange when he would date a girl.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan gave him a disgusted look: "Go, go, I'm talking about the new game promotion song with Jiang Yuan. How can it be as complicated as you think?"

"Heh, whatever you want to talk about, I'll go first, and I'll leave all these documents to you." After speaking, Xiao Yijin stretched her waist and walked straight out.

After working for so long, he was really exhausted.

Ugly girl, don't even try to escape from his grasp.

After staying up until midnight, Tong Yao rubbed his sore eyes, logged into the game, and found that Yicun Xiangsi was not online.

Putting another account online, Tong Yao teamed up and went to get married.

"Ding... ding... ding..." Xiao Yijin, who was sleeping drowsily, was awakened by a series of text message ringtones. He turned over impatiently, pulled up the quilt and covered his head.

But suddenly sat up two seconds later!

He grabbed the phone.

"Guest officer can't go online anymore!"

"Guest officer can't go online anymore!

Reaching out to grab some messy hair, Xiao Yijin jumped out of bed and directly logged into the game. Fortunately, he saved a hand.

He didn't write this script in vain, he always monitors the status of this girl's account.

I didn't turn off the computer, otherwise it would delay the startup.

After logging into the account, Xiao Yijin went directly to the place where the bride was robbed and waited for the nursery rhyme.

When the nursery rhyme hummed a ditty and walked into the range of the bridegroom, she saw a Gao Zhantuan waiting for her at the snatcher's place.

She was familiar with these nicknames, but she had no other exchanges.

After thinking about it, Tong Yao typed on a nearby channel: "Brothers, what are you doing in my way?"

Bounty hunter: "Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters."

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched: "Did you take too much money? I'll pay you five times, you guys get out of the way."

Bounty Hunter: "We are a team with integrity, and we will not change our mind after negotiating the price with the employer."

Nursery rhyme: "Ten times."

Bounty Lovers: "We're really not that kind of people."

Nursery Rhyme: "Twenty Times."

Bounty Hunter: "WeChat or Alipay?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yijin, who was watching the battle in the dark, immediately became anxious, and directly chatted with the bounty hunter in private: "Xiao Liu, do you still want your year-end award?"

Xiao Liu: "Boss, twenty times the commission is higher than my year-end bonus."

(End of this chapter)

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