Chapter 278

Xiao Yijin narrowed her eyes: "Do you want to taste what it tastes like to be fried squid?"

Xiao Liu: "No, I don't want to."

So Xiao Liu replied to the nursery rhyme: "I don't pay much attention to your little money. You don't even think about walking past here today."

Clicking on the combat power of those people and looking at them one by one, Tong Yao felt a little headache.

If this is a team, then she can still handle it, but this is a team, or a high-level battle group.

Seeing that the time for snatching up the marriage began to count down, and there was only 1 minute left, if she didn't do it, then today's wedding would not be able to continue.

But if you do it, there is no chance of winning.

My brain hurts.

Stretching out his hand to press his temple, a gorgeous figure descended from the sky and landed directly in front of Nursery Rhyme. inch of lovesickness?
This guy...wouldn't have come to help the other party snatch a kiss, right?
Nursery rhyme was about to ask whether Yicun Xiangsi hired someone to rob the bride, when she saw a system prompt: "Player Yiinch Xiangsi has joined the guardian camp, and will fight against the robbing team with you."

Yicun Xiangsi: "Time is running out, why are you just staring blankly? Hit!"

Nursery Yao, who was in a daze, just realized that Yiinch Xiangsi had already stepped forward and killed the bounty hunter.

Don't mention how disgusted Xiao Yijin is in Xiaoliu's heart at this moment, calling them online in the middle of the night just to play such a play with him?

When did Second Young Master Xiao become so thick-skinned.

In order to win the heart of the nursery rhyme, they will do everything they can, it's too immoral.

What an embarrassment to their men.

Of course, these words can only be read in the heart.

Otherwise, if the year-end bonus is gone, it will be a big loss.

Seeing Yicun Xiangsi killing happily, Tong Yao hurriedly went up to add blood to her, the two of them are invincible together, even though they are a group on the opposite side, they can't hold it at all.

It seemed that the opposite party was about to be wiped out, but when the time came, the opposite party succeeded in robbing the bride, and the wedding was interrupted.

Yicun Xiangsi: "Sorry, I was late and I couldn't help you."

When Xiao Liu saw this information, Xiao Yijin was sold out by the truth. Why are their second young masters so shameless?

I really miss that second young master who was extremely cold in the past.

Now this... is so shameless that he doesn't even recognize it.

Seeing Yicun Xiangsick's message, Tong Yao came back to his senses and typed: "It's okay, thank you, but why are you up so late?"

Yicun Xiangsi: "I went out for something, I just came back, and I'm going to bed, if there is someone who will snatch the marriage next time, you can call me, the two of us work together, we will be invincible."

Nursery rhyme: "Well, then I'll sleep."

Yicun Acacia: "Good night."

Turning off the computer and lying on the bed, Tong Yao was a little puzzled.

Originally, she was a little suspicious of Yicun Acacia, but what he said just now made the nursery rhyme lessen his suspicion.

If it was true that he hired someone to snatch the marriage, and then he pretended to help, this... would be too dramatic.

This kind of thing...ordinary people should not be able to do it.

But who is that?
Who doesn't want to get married in the game?
After tossing and turning, unable to think of an answer, Tong Yao's closed eyes suddenly opened: Xiao Yijin?
But it's impossible for Xiao Yijin, that guy said he wouldn't interfere with his game making friends, and even bet that he would have a romantic relationship with the game.

No no, probably not.

Could it be that someone wants to win the first week's championship in the Qingyuan group arena, for fear that he will rob him?

After all, if you don't have love, then you won't be able to compete.

(End of this chapter)

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