Chapter 279

There are only ten days left until the Christmas event. If you are robbed, you will not be able to hold another wedding for a few days. If you are robbed next time, you will completely miss the first week of the ring.

Then she won't be able to get that special outfit!
After thinking about it, Tong Yao felt that this possibility was more likely.

Nursery rhyme is really a bit depressing at this time, could it be that she really can only marry Yicun Acacia in order to get fashion?

She has always been free and doesn't want to be restrained.

How to do.

I feel like I'm going to be forced to go to Liangshan.


On Sunday night, as soon as Tong Yao returned to the dormitory, Jiang Ya handed over a piece of paper: "Nong Yao, this is an invitation to perform at the Christmas party. Someone from the student union sent it over today."

"Oh." Tong Yao responded casually, took the paper and placed it on the table.

Jiang Ya saw that Nursery Rhyme was not interested, so she continued, "Nong Yao, actually, I really hope you will go to the Christmas party."

"Why?" While talking, Tong Yao poured himself a cup of hot water, took a sip, and dispelled some of the cold air on his body.

Jiang Ya lay on the back of the chair and said chillingly: "You are obviously talented, and you should shine brightly on the stage. I feel a little pity for you if you hide it like this."

Hearing this, Tong Yao turned around to talk to Jiang Ya, but saw a bag on Qiao Yutong's bed, and asked, "She's back."

"Well, I'm back, and with a big name, she has completely changed before, maybe she has really found a good home." Just after Jiang Ya finished speaking, Qiao Yutong opened the door and left Come in.

Seeing the nursery rhyme, Qiao Yutong smiled slightly: "Are you back?"

"Yeah." Tong Yao sneered, after what happened last time, Qiao Yutong still had the face to laugh at herself.

This person's thick skin has really exceeded the imagination of nursery rhymes.

"I'm going to change the dormitory, and I should move out tomorrow." After Qiao Yutong finished speaking, neither Jiang Ya nor Tong Yao made a sound to persuade her to stay.

Perhaps she also felt a little embarrassed, so she climbed onto the bed to pack her things.

After nursery rhyme washed up, she sat there to do tasks, chatting with Shen Bao and the others casually.

Shen Bao: "Today someone confessed to our boss again, guest officer, are you really not panicking at all?"

Nursery rhyme: "I'm happy for him."

"Ding..." Tong Yao heard the voice of the message, so he took out his phone and glanced at it. It was a message from Xiao Yijin: "Please take two days off, let's go back to City D, my grandpa is seriously ill, and I want to see you."

Xiao Yijin's grandfather?

Now they still have a marriage contract, and their elders are seriously ill, so they should go back and have a look.

So Nursery Rhyme replied casually: "Okay, what time?"

Xiao Yijin: "I've already booked the air ticket. If you ask for leave, I'll send you the flight information later."

Nursery Rhyme: "Oh."

That night, Tong Yao didn't sleep well.

Although she kept telling herself in her heart that this was to visit her elders, Tong Yao felt a little panicked in her heart.

The plane was at eleven o'clock in the morning, and Lao Zhang sent the two to the airport at 10:30.

Along the way, Tong Yao was always thinking about fashion, and felt a little depressed.

Xiao Yijin bought the first-class cabin, and the two had just boarded the plane, when the flight attendant saw Xiao Yijin's eyes straightened.

Someone as smart as Xiao, naturally noticed the stewardess' eyes. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he said directly: "Lady, do you want to sit by the window?"

Hearing the word "lady", the flight attendant's expression froze instantly, and the smile on her face disappeared without a trace.

Tong Yao ignored Xiao Yijin and sat directly in her seat.

(End of this chapter)

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