The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 280 Someone is coming to find fault

Chapter 280 Someone is coming to find fault

Xiao Yijin sat down beside nursery rhymes, and asked in a low voice: "Are you worried that my grandpa doesn't like you? Don't worry, grandpa never asks about our junior marriages, and you are so outstanding, he will definitely like you."

"Xiao Yijin, have you forgotten our contract?" It's not that nursery rhymes want to pour cold water on Xiao Yijin.

Rather, the two of them did sign a contract.

During these days, Xiao Yijin almost forgot about it.

Anyway, he will catch up with the ugly girl, so those contracts are useless to him.

When Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao arrived at the hospital, Old Man Xiao looked pretty good. The air conditioner in the ward was very warm. A girl in a pink sweater was peeling apples for the old man.

Seeing that girl, Tong Yao noticed that Xiao Yijin beside him had an unnatural expression.

He seemed to be holding back something, and he didn't feel well.

Seeing Xiao Yijin and Tong Yao come in, the girl put down the apple in her hand, turned to Xiao Yijin and said, "Brother Xiao, why are you here now? Why did you let Miss Tong just stand like that, and why don't you hurry up and invite someone to sit down?" Down."

The tone of the girl's voice was very much like that of a hostess. She walked up to the nursery rhyme and smiled, and said politely: "Hi, I'm Qin Yiyi, brother Xiao and I are childhood sweethearts."

Xiao Yijin did not deny this statement, but frowned slightly.

Seeing that Xiao Yijin didn't speak, Qin Yiyi continued: "Are you the girl who was rejected in public at the engagement banquet? To be honest, I really admire your bravery. If I had experienced this kind of thing, I might have gone through it long ago. Can't stop."

Qin Yiyi's words were a little subtle, but after so many years of live broadcast of nursery rhymes, she had never met any kind of person in the game, so she naturally understood the meaning hidden in her words.

"Although we had some unpleasant quarrels at the engagement banquet, Xiao Yijin has already admitted his mistake to me, and I have forgiven him." After speaking, Tong Yao put the fruit in his hand on the table and lay on the hospital bed facing him. The old man Xiao bowed his head lightly: "Grandpa Xiao, I'm a nursery rhyme, and I'm here to see you."

Mr. Xiao smiled slightly: "You are the child Mr. Yu Ting mentioned, right? Come on, come here quickly, let me take a good look at you."

Hearing this, Tong Yao obediently walked forward a few steps and stood in front of the hospital bed.

The old man Xiao who was lying on the bed did not speak, but Qin Yiyi walked over first, and said lightly: "Miss Tong, don't you know that Grandpa Xiao is three high, and you can't eat fruits that are too sweet and too high in calories? This common sense of life still needs to be eaten. Yes, I said you are for your own good, so don't be angry."

"Qin Yiyi, who told you to come here, get out quickly." Xiao Yijin, who was standing at the door, finally couldn't bear the order to evict the guest.

Hearing Xiao Yijin's words, Qin Yiyi smiled lightly and said, "Brother Xiao, you can't be so stingy. Nursery rhymes are younger sisters. As an older sister, I have the right to teach her. Otherwise, if you get married in the future, what will she do?" I don’t understand, isn’t it a bit embarrassing to take it out.”

"She doesn't need to understand. She just needs to stay by my side. I have already told you clearly about our affairs. Don't go to my grandpa to make irresponsible remarks. No matter what you do, there is no way to change it." The fact that the ugly girl is my fiancee." After Xiao Yijin said these words, Mr. Xiao looked at Xiao Yijin in disbelief.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that these words came from Xiao Yijin's mouth.

Qin Yiyi was extremely displeased when she heard this, but she still had that calm expression on her face: "Grandpa Xiao, you may not know that this nursery rhyme is a female anchor, and it is very popular in the game. A lot of boys give her money, so she doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, she is supported by a lot of people, I really envy her."

"Female anchor?" Hearing this word, Mr. Xiao frowned indistinctly, and then looked at Xiao Yijin.

 Good night!Thank you my baby for rewarding the rudder master, plus more will arrange, love you all!

(End of this chapter)

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