The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 281 The Physique That Attracts the White Lotus

Chapter 281 The Physique That Attracts the White Lotus
Seeing the old man's expression, Qin Yiyi's eyes sank.

He calmly picked up the unfinished apple and continued to peel, as if those words just now were not what she said.

"A lot of people raise it?" Mr. Xiao pondered Qin Yiyi's words for a while, but he didn't understand what she meant. He turned his head to look at the nursery rhyme in doubt, and said coldly, "Can you make a lot of money? What is a female anchor? Do you mean female star? Then Yiyi, why don't you become a female anchor?"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yijin's words floated out from the side: "Grandpa, do you think anyone can be this female anchor? That looks good."

Qin Yiyi: "..."

Xiao Yijin meant that she was not good-looking?

Tong Yao stood aside, seeing the frozen smile on Qin Yiyi's face, she couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Isn't this woman deliberately saying that she is a female anchor just to make the old man unhappy?
However, it never occurred to her that Mr. Xiao had no idea what a female anchor was.

If it were her grandfather...


That situation must be different.

In fact, the nursery rhyme felt a little annoying, but she didn't understand why Xiao Yijin had such a physique that attracted the white lotus, and she had just settled a Zhuang Xinyu.

Now Qin Yiyi appeared again.

And there is Tong Manlin who acts as a demon from time to time.

At this time, she was glad that she and Xiao Yijin were not the real fiancee, otherwise, tearing the white lotus with hands would probably become a routine in the future.

It's scary to think about.

Xiao Yijin, who was standing on the side, was afraid that Qin Yiyi would say something strange again, so he gave the order to chase away the guest again: "Qin Yiyi, have you finished talking? You can go now, my grandpa is going to rest."

"Brother Xiao, you really have a wife and forget about your sister. Hmph, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to complain to my godfather and godmother." After speaking, Qin Yiyi got up, picked up her bag, and put on her coat Angrily left.

"Son, come here." Qin Yiyi left, and Mr. Xiao waved to the nursery rhyme.

The nursery rhyme walked in a little more, and stood beside the old man.

Mr. Xiao looked Nursery Rhyme up and down, and then frowned. He reached out his hand on the table beside him and touched his eyes to fix them. You really look alike, you are the granddaughter of old Fengtou, right?"

Old Feng?
Soon Tong Yao realized that he was talking about her grandfather, so she nodded obediently: "Yes."

"When Feng Ran was your age, he was as juicy as you. It's a pity that something like that happened, but don't worry, child. Although Yi Jin sometimes looks unprincipled, he is a good boy. He has grown up since he was a child. Da has never been in love, you are the first girl he brought home to meet his elders."

Speaking of this, Mr. Xiao stretched out his hand to gently hold Tong Yao's hand, and said earnestly, "Yao Yao, your marriage with Yijin is not a so-called commercial marriage."

Not a business marriage?

Tong Yao frowned slightly, and asked curiously, "What is a commercial marriage?"

Xiao Yijin who was on the side was also curious when he heard this.

"Yao Yao, when you were still in your mother's womb, Yu Ting had already booked you to be her daughter-in-law." After Mr. Xiao finished speaking, Tong Yao and Xiao Yijin were both in a daze.

This... she was married by fingertips while she was still in the womb?

(End of this chapter)

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