Chapter 288

The configuration required to run Xianmeng game is very high, and ordinary computers cannot play it, so many people choose to play in Internet cafes.

The words of these two people were heard by several players around, and each of them started to look in the direction of the nursery rhyme with wide eyes.

Because of the last forum incident, many people pulled out various life photos of nursery rhymes, which also made her popularity soar.

It is estimated that 80.00% of Xianmeng game players know her.

Tong Yao was happily killing the four sides and guarding the platform, but when she looked up, she caught a glimpse of several people looking at her furtively.

And it seems that she is still secretly photographing her...

Er Gou took his mobile phone and pressed it, and the lock screen wallpaper was a picture of a nursery rhyme.

He looked back and forth on his mobile phone and the face of the nursery rhyme several times, and finally confirmed that the person sitting not far from him was Ke Guan himself!

Immediately took a sneak photo and sent it to his sect group: "Damn it, is there anyone in City D who wants to run into a guest official boss! I am much prettier than the photo!"

"Oh my god? This god-level local tycoon actually goes to Internet cafes?"

"What's wrong with going to Internet cafes? Don't many celebrities still like to go to Internet cafes to play games?"

"I'm in City D, what the hell, labor and management finally have a chance to see the beauty of the goddess! Hurry up, brother!"


Ergou immediately sent the location, and then, the news about the nursery rhyme online in the Internet cafe spread among the various sect groups.

Many players in City D rushed to the Internet cafe where Nursery Rhyme was located.

Half an hour later, the originally deserted Internet cafe suddenly became lively, and the network administrator looked confused.

I don't understand where all these people come from.

Xiao Yijin was originally sitting in another corner fighting Fengyun Station, but before the fight was over, she found that Tongyao was being targeted by a group of little trash.

And that number is increasing.

When the nursery rhyme finished the fight and took off the earphones to rest, he saw a large circle of people not far from him.

And all of them had weird smiles on their faces, which made Tong Yao a little flustered.

"Honey, I'm home." Xiao Yijin's voice came from the crowd, and everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look behind them.


If they remember correctly, is their goddess?
How did she become someone else's wife?
But it may also mean girlfriend, after all, many people also call their girlfriend wife.

Xiao Yijin looked at the suspicious eyes in everyone's eyes, and said coldly: "Mom said I made your favorite dish for you, and I'm waiting for you to go back for supper."

mom?Night snack?

Now it's nursery rhyme's turn to be confused, what the hell is Xiao Yijin doing?

Serious nonsense.

Seeing Tong Yao's expression of disbelief, Xiao Yijin took out her mobile phone and sent Yu Ting a WeChat message: Sister Ting, do you want to see your daughter-in-law?
Yu Ting, who was lying on the sofa watching TV, replied to the message in seconds: I think so!
Xiao Yijin: Then you send this message from me in words, and I will bring her back to see you.

Yu Ting: You stinking kid, did you lose in a game of truth or dare?I don't want to be fooled by you, get out of here quickly!

Xiao Yijin felt internally hurt when the routine failed.

Sister Ting is getting smarter and smarter now, so it's hard to make a routine.

"Dude, are you dreaming? How could our guest official be your wife?" Ergou said disgustedly.

The players around immediately echoed: "That's right, our guest official boss is the number one female local tyrant of Xianmeng Game, the goddess of countless male players, even if you look good, you can't just come and recognize your wife ah."

"That is to say, the one who is worthy of being an objective master, I think there is only the lovesickness master!"


Hearing these words, the corners of Xiao Yijin's mouth slightly raised a slight arc, only one inch lovesickness could be worthy of a guest officer?
This word...he likes it.

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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