Chapter 289 Fairy Tales Are Deceitful
Because of being disturbed by the people around, Tong Yao was a little distracted, and Shen Bao died if a skill was not connected.

Shen Bao: "Guest officer, what about the one who promised to keep me alive?"

Nursery rhyme: "Don't you know? The stories in fairy tales are all lies."

Kidney Treasure: "..."

The entire Mengran Jiangshan siege and kill the world's platform, the firepower is too fierce, but people from other teams dare not leave the platform they are defending without permission to come to support. Once the personnel are dispersed, other platforms may also be captured by the Mengran Jiangshan Alliance. attacked by other denominations.

Originally they were able to fight Nursery Rhyme, but suddenly that Yicun Xiangsi started to go into a daze and lost a lot of fighting power, so they struggled a bit.

Nursery rhyme: "Baby Kidney, what is your boss doing?"

Shen Bao: "I don't know."

Nursery rhyme: "??? Can you let him play hard, we will lose the platform if we do this, is he going to pick up girls again?"

Superman: "Don't worry, guest officer, I'll contact the boss right away."

After speaking, Sun Yi immediately called Xiao Yijin.

Xiao Yijin looked at it for a reminder, then turned around and withdrew from the crowd, picked up the phone and asked, "Sun Yi, what are you doing?"

Sun Yi glanced at the game page, turned his mobile phone into hands-free and put it on the table to continue operating: "Boss, what are you doing? You keep hanging up, and the whole team of Meng Ran Jiangshan attacked our Youminghai platform. If you don't call, we probably will The denomination is losing ground this week."

Hearing Sun Yi say this, Wu Jie shook his head in disgust, "I said, little grandson, are you stupid? You say the boss doesn't care, it's up to me."

After saying that, Wu Jie stood up from his seat and snatched Sun Yi's mobile phone, shouting: "Boss, nursery rhymes are already angry just now, if we lost the table because of your hanging up, I think she must be very angry .”

Hearing Wu Jie's words, Xiao Yijin frowned slightly. She was only thinking about dealing with these guys just now, but forgot about grabbing the stage.

If it was because he had lost his position, he might be blacklisted again.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, but in the heart of the ugly girl, an Internet addicted girl, games were still the most important thing.


Xiao Yijin walked back to her seat and sat down, then yelled at the nursery rhyme: "Honey, nurse me well and keep me from dying."

Tong Yao is busy fighting now, and has no time to talk to him at all.

Watching the two start to play the game seriously, the onlookers were stunned.

What is the relationship between these two people?

Want to say we know each other?It looked like they didn't know each other.

Because Xiao Yijin ignored the nursery rhymes from beginning to end.

Are you saying they have nothing to do with each other?But that man was called Tong Yao's wife, but Tong Yao didn't refute it?
This... this is a bit subtle.

What everyone didn't know was that it wasn't that the nursery rhymes didn't refute at all, but that she was too busy breastfeeding the whole group, so she didn't have time to talk to Xiao Yijin, a boring guy.

Seeing Tongyao's beautiful fingers jumping quickly on the keyboard, Ergou walked forward with his mobile phone, wanting to take a recent photo of Tongyao.

Who knew that the photo hadn't been taken yet, the nursery rhyme who had been concentrating on playing games suddenly turned her head: "Get out of the way, don't disturb me playing games."

The nursery rhyme said a word, and then continued to play the game.

But that cold voice and eyes made Er Gou's hands tremble unconsciously. The goddess...'s eyes are so scary, but... so domineering.

At this time, Tong Yao was completely immersed in the game, and she commanded the war in an orderly manner, making the situation better.

(End of this chapter)

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