Chapter 290
"Baby Kidney, your skill accuracy is too low. When you released your skills, you aimed at their crispy skin."

"Everyone don't pay attention to me too far, concentrate on the stage, and only when I zoom in can the collective milk come."

"Xiao Jian, you are responsible for guarding the tenderness for the rest of your life, and you will cut her off as soon as she comes back to life."


Nursery rhyme and their group consisted of ten people, and the opposite was thirty people. Although Mengran Jiangshan's combat power was not very high, they had a large number of them, and all their control skills were knocked down. Even control can make people sick.

If Yicun Acacia is still alive, he can kill more than a dozen of those middle-level fighters with one big move, but this guy only made a move at the beginning, and then hung up.

It's really unreliable to lose the chain at a critical moment.

Cursing a few words of lovesickness from the bottom of my heart, the nursery rhyme continued to add blood.

Just when everyone was staring at her in a daze, nursery rhyme suddenly came up with a sentence: "I don't like people approaching me when I am playing games. If you want to take pictures, you must stand far away, or wait for me to finish the fight."

Ergou, who was holding the phone, backed away silently, and said a word weakly: "Oh."

I have to say that nursery rhymes are really cool when directing fights.

Xiao Yijin originally planned to sit down and continue participating in the battle, but then he found that his account had crashed, and by the time he logged in, Nursery Rhyme and the others had already finished fighting.

Checked the platforms guarded by Fengyun Station, there were still eight platforms, and they were not lost.

Xiao Yijin silently breathed a sigh of relief, it's a good thing he didn't lose the stage, otherwise the ugly girl wouldn't let him go.

At this time, Tongyao sent a message on the sect channel: The difficult master is one-stop, come as you like.

With nursery rhymes leading the team, everyone in the gang naturally applied one after another.

Xiao Yijin also clicked on Apply to join the team.

System prompt: The guest officer cannot reject your application for joining the team.

Xiao Yijin: "???"

She actually rejected herself?

This is unscientific, with him in the team, the time to write the book will be shortened by at least half, and the ugly girl Tongyao intuitively rejected him?
Could it be because there were too many applicants and she misunderstood and accidentally clicked to reject it?
Thinking of this, Xiao Yijin felt that it was very possible, so she applied for team membership again.

System message: The guest officer has rejected your application for joining the team.

Xiao Yijin: "..."

This may be a mistake the first time, but this second time...


Why is this...

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Yijin didn't understand why, so she sent a message to Tong Yao: "Hey, why don't you group me up?"

Seeing the message of Yicun Xiangsi, Nursery Rhyme was completely out of breath.

Nursery rhyme: "Why should I group you? I'm annoyed when I see you."

Someone Xiao paused while holding the mouse, is it annoying to see him?
He doesn't seem to be doing anything...

So Xiao Yijin silently sent a message: "Then you have to make it clear, let me understand."

Nursery rhyme: "Fengyun station, at the beginning you said that we were here to play casually, but as soon as you entered, you hung up the phone to pick up girls, and let me milk and export by myself, and be a father and a mother at the same time. I am exhausted. Next week I want to switch groups, I don't want to stay in a group with you."

Hanging up... Hanging up to pick up girls?
He...he is really more wronged than Dou E.

But the ugly girl is so resentful, doesn't she think she is jealous because she went to pick up girls?
After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Yijin felt that the possibility was extremely high, otherwise the table would not have been lost, and the ugly girl wouldn't be so arrogant.

So, someone Xiao sent a message to nursery rhyme: "I never pick up girls, unless you are willing to pick up girls for me."

(End of this chapter)

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