Chapter 291

To tell the truth, the original nursery rhyme has changed a lot for Yicun Acacia.

But when she saw this message, the image of Yicun Xiangsi in her heart was immediately knocked back to its original shape.

After exiting the chat page, nursery rhymes began to be written.

Some players came forward and asked if they could take a photo together, and nursery rhymes are naturally not easy to shirk, but I just hope they can keep some distance.

Players who have watched nursery rhyme live broadcasts know that nursery rhyme doesn't like physical contact with boys, so everyone behaves more politely.

By the time Nursery Rhyme finished the task and left the Internet cafe, it was already past twelve o'clock in the morning.

A group of male players came forward and said that they wanted to send nursery rhymes home, but they were all rejected by nursery rhymes one by one.

Standing in this place where she grew up, Tong Yao stretched out her hands and wrapped her clothes tightly tightly, and walked towards the hotel not far away with her head down.

There are only a few days until Christmas, and the windows of many shops on the street are decorated very festively.

It's just that this celebration failed to infect her. Walking in this city where she grew up, she only felt a little cold in her heart.

City D is a city that never sleeps, even though it's past twelve o'clock, the streets are still lively.

"Ugly girl." Xiao Yijin's voice came from behind, Tong Yao stopped, turned his head, and he stuffed a bottle of hot milk tea into her hand: "I know you don't like milk tea, this is Cover your hands."

"Thank you." The temperature of the milk tea spread to the palm of his hand, Tong Yao turned around and continued walking.

Xiao Yijin stepped forward and walked side by side with Tong Yao.

The two walked forward for a certain distance without speaking, Xiao Yijin turned his face and said, "Otherwise, you can live in my house, it's my own house, and I'll give you the key."

Tong Yao shook her head: "No, I'll just stay in a hotel."

"You don't need to guard against me like this. If I really have any unreasonable thoughts about you, let alone your anti-wolf spray 2.0, even if it is 3.0, it is useless. I have practiced it before." Xiao Yijin did not lie, He just let the nursery rhyme on purpose.

Otherwise, her little thing really can't do anything to her.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme did not speak, Xiao Yijin continued: "You don't have to live in my place, or I will take you home. You must be very curious about your mother's past, right? You go back and ask Sister Ting, she knows everything. Know."

Hearing this, Tong Yao stopped in her tracks and stood there for a few seconds. Tong Yao raised her head and looked at Xiao Yijin.

Under the street lamp, her eyes were like pearls that would get cold, they were too beautiful.

Xiao Yijin's heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out.

A few seconds later, the nursery rhyme finally spoke: "Xiao Yijin, I'm not stupid, I know what you're thinking, you don't need to deliberately change yourself for me, I really don't want to fall in love right now."

Xiao Yijin naturally understands this truth, and he is ready for a protracted war with nursery rhymes: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to fall in love now, what matters is that as long as you want to fall in love, that person must be me."

Hearing her narcissistic words, Tong Yao rolled her eyes in disgust: "You are too arrogant, why should I have to fall in love with you?"

"Because your first hug, first hug, and first kiss were all mine, and the next first..." Xiao Yijin paused slightly at this point, gently bent down and whispered in the nursery rhyme's ear: "Anyone who has a first date, It can only be mine."

His breath gently sprayed the nursery rhyme's ear, which made her feel a little itchy.

She subconsciously stood aside, her ears turned red uncontrollably, "If you say it's yours, it's yours? Is it still under your control who I want to fall in love with? You say it's you, but I'm not Not you!"

"Ugly girl, don't try to provoke me..." Xiao Yijin's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly turned around and pushed Tong Yao against the wall. When the back of Tong Yao's head was about to hit the wall, he quickly put his palm on the wall. the back of her head...

(End of this chapter)

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