Chapter 292
Nursery rhyme was enveloped by his breath, feeling a little depressed, so he lowered his head.

"Brother Xiao, what are you doing here?" Qin Yiyi's voice came from the side, and Tong Yao reached out to push Xiao Yijin away.

But instead of letting her go, Xiao Yijin reached out and pinched her wrist, pressed her hand on his heart, and said in a low voice: "Ugly girl, I know you lived an inhuman life when you were young, so You close the door of your heart, but you also have to believe that there is warmth and light in this world..."


Tong Yao's hand holding the milk tea involuntarily tightened when she thought of what happened to her when she was a child.

Qin Yiyi was completely ignored by Xiao Yijin, with a very ugly expression.

She had known Xiao Yijin for so many years, and it was the first time she saw him holding a girl's hand like this.

Seeing Xiao Yijin's expression, Qin Yiyi was going crazy with jealousy, but she still wanted to keep calm on the surface.

The young people who were traveling with Qin Yiyi's eyes widened when they heard her address.

A girl asked: "Yiyi, is this handsome guy the brother you mentioned?"

"But didn't he say that he dotes on you the most? Why doesn't he talk to you when you talk?"

Listening to her companion's words, Qin Yiyi's expression was a little embarrassed: "It should be that brother Xiao didn't see me, after all, he always valued sex over friends."

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yiyi took a few steps forward and turned up the volume and said, "Brother Xiao, how can you force nursery rhymes like this? You don't have a gentleman's demeanor at all, just like a stinky hooligan."

As Qin Yiyi said this, she stepped forward and pushed Xiao Yijin away with both hands, and pulled the nursery rhyme behind her: "Don't think about plotting against others."

Xiao Yijin stared at Qin Yiyi, reached out and took off her coat and threw it on the ground: "Qin Yiyi, did I tell you not to touch me?"

Seeing Xiao Yijin's actions, Qin Yiyi's companions looked at each other in blank dismay. Throw away the tens of thousands of dollars worth of clothes?

Also, didn't Qin Yiyi say that she has a good relationship with Xiao Yijin? doesn't seem to be the case.

Originally, Tong Yao was still thinking about how to get rid of Xiao Yijin, but Qin Yiyi's appearance just gave her this excuse.

This woman pretended to be real, she obviously didn't want Xiao Yijin to get close to her, but she acted like she separated them to protect herself.

Qin Yiyi had been warned by Xiao Yijin before, but she never expected that he would make herself look bad in front of so many people.

Tong Yao gave the two of them a cold look, then turned around and walked towards the hotel gate.

She was tired of facing the white lotus all day, so perhaps being alone was the best choice.

Seeing Tong Yao walk into the hotel, Xiao Yijin followed.

Seeing Xiao Yijin was about to walk into the hotel gate, Qin Yiyi's whole body trembled uncontrollably, "Brother Xiao, what are you going to do? Aren't you going home?"

Xiao Yijin, who walked to the door, paused, turned her head and sneered: "Say, what can a fiancé couple do when they go to a hotel?"

After the words fell, Qin Yiyi's face turned pale.

No... she doesn't believe it.

"Brother Xiao, Nursery Rhyme is still young, if you do this badly, your godfather and godmother will be angry too, you'd better go home quickly." Qin Yiyi didn't give up, and quickly chased after her.

Xiao Yijin looked at Qin Yiyi's appearance, and threw out a sentence with no expression on her face: "Sister Ting is very anxious to hug her grandson, so I have to work hard."

As soon as the words fell, the nursery rhyme three meters away flew over with a sharp eye.

Xiao, who was still mighty and domineering just now, immediately changed the topic cowardly: "Well, the weather is good today."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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