Chapter 304

Xiao Yijin: "..."

Sister Ting of his family was wrong. If it wasn't for the fact that the front desk phone couldn't be reached and it was raining heavily outside, he would have been driven away long ago.

"Sister Ting, she is also in her teens, don't do such naive things in the future, okay? I'm really convinced by turning off the electricity, locking the door and cutting the phone line, go back, I want Rest." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she pulled up the quilt and covered her head.

Yu Ting nagged for a long time before finally leaving.

Maybe it was because of the cold, but Xiao Yijin felt dizzy and fell asleep quickly.

In the next room, Nursery Rhyme, who was sitting in front of the computer and playing games, was a little absent-minded.

I don't know what happened to Xiao Yijin.

He drenched in cold water for so long and heard him coughing, so he doesn't have a cold, right?
After thinking about it, Tong Yao took the phone and found Xiao Yijin's number, and sent him a text message: "How are you?"

A few minutes passed, Xiao Yijin didn't reply, but Shen Bao sent her a game message: "Brother Guest Officer, why aren't you hanging out today?"

Nursery Rhyme: "A little busy."

Shen Bao: "Busy about dating?"

Tong Yao's eyes sank: "Nonsense, no."

Shen Bao: "Actually, I'm curious. A girl like you who is beautiful and good at playing games shouldn't be single. Don't tell me you really don't like men?"

Nursery rhyme: "I'm just a kid."

Shen Bao: "A kid who can drive a train? Dirty dirt..."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

After downloading the book for a while, Shenbao sent another message: "Guest officer, I actually want to ask you another question today. Did our boss put a knife on your neck last night, so you agreed?" married him?"

Nursery Rhyme: "No, I did it voluntarily."

Seeing this information, Wu Jie really didn't believe it, so he turned his head and asked Sun Yi: "Little grandson, do you believe that the guest officer married our boss voluntarily?"

Sun Yi said without raising his head, "How is that possible, it must have been coerced."

"I think so too, but the boss is also very strange. He notified us that there was going to be a wedding tonight, and then he disappeared. Isn't he planning to give Tong Yao a grand wedding?" Wu Jie was really depressed. According to their boss, Temperament, it's impossible to be so quiet, she must give Tong Yao the most gorgeous and grand wedding.

But up to now, it's fine if he didn't send out the voice transmission in his whole server, and he didn't even say the exact time of the wedding.

This also made many players feel that the news that Yicun Xiangsi and Keguan cannot get married is fake.

All day today, the news about the two great gods getting married caused a sensation in the entire server.

But the two parties have not said a word until now.

It's kind of weird.

I looked at the time, it was already past five o'clock, but Yiinch Xiangsi still hadn't appeared.

This made Tong Yao a little anxious, if the marriage was not consummated today, then she would not be able to participate in the love competition.

Opening the friend list, Yicun Xiangsi's profile picture is still gray.

He... Could it be that he regrets not wanting to get married?
Except for her game friends, she doesn't have any way to contact Yicun Xiangsi, so as long as his game is not online, it will be the same as losing contact.

A little bit of time passed, but Yiinch Acacia still didn't appear.

Nursery Rhyme stood by the pond fishing and saw some discordant speculations starting to appear on the World Channel.

"If you want me to say, this lovesick boss is not deliberately revenge on the guest official, is he? After all, he has been chasing the guest official for so long and has been rejected, so he may not really want to be with the guest official this time. marry."

"That's right, otherwise, according to the temperament of the great god of lovesickness, I don't know how many full-service voice transmission notifications I have sent to get married, but I didn't go online today. It will be dark soon."

"Furthermore, God Acacia didn't personally say that she was going to get married. Now I doubt the authenticity of this information."

"At first, I wanted to witness the most luxurious wedding in Xianmeng Game, but now it seems... I don't know if there will be a wedding."


 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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