The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 305 Let go of that girl and let me come

Chapter 305 Let go of that girl and let me come
Hearing that the No. [-] god of the Xianmeng game server and the No. [-] poisonous milk are getting married, many players who haven't been online for a long time have come online to watch the fun.

"Suddenly I feel sorry for the guest officer... If the god of lovesickness releases her pigeons, how embarrassing will you say she is..."

"The girl let go, let me!"


Some people feel sorry for nursery rhymes on the World Channel, but Zhuang Xinyu's heart is not to mention how happy.

After thinking about it, she typed on the World Channel: "Perhaps the God of Acacia found out that a certain person's character is not good before getting married. In order to leave the last little bit of dignity for that person, he simply didn't come. It doesn't look good with a broken skin."

Just after Zhuang Xinyu sent the message, Tutu immediately came to add fuel and jealousy: "That's right, can anyone be the wife of the No. I don’t know where the money used to increase combat power came from.”

Seeing this information, Tong Yao narrowed her eyes.

And the gang members of Killing the World were not happy, and they went to the World Channel to support.

Dijia Altman: "I'm tender, what are you doing there? Why did our boss marry you at the beginning, do you have no battery in your heart?"

The old man washes his hair with Rejoice: "Our boss has something to delay, besides, there are still a few hours before twelve o'clock in the evening, how do you know that our boss will not come?"

Kidney Treasure, delicious taste: "He's a guest official, but he's a veritable rich second generation. He's worth tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of clothing. Why are you sour on him?"

You Yun: "If you talk about poor character, who can compare to the tenderness of a lifetime, or is it that everyone is so forgetful that they have forgotten the previous incident, should I lead everyone to review it?"


Besieged by the people who killed the world, although Zhuang Xinyu was very angry, she didn't dare to speak on the World Channel, as long as she said a word, she would be beaten back by Shenbao and the others.

So much so that later, she didn't even dare to read the chat messages on the World Channel.

Wu Jie was afraid that the nursery rhyme would be slandered by other people's words, so he sent a message: "Guest officer, don't be angry, don't be as knowledgeable as those people."

After a while, Nursery Rhyme replied: "Angry? Why should I be angry? I have time to get angry with a group of people I don't know, so I might as well go to various medicinal materials to practice medicine."

Wu Jie: "..."

It seems...he was thinking too much...

Tong Yao was not an ordinary girl, but she was the first poisonous milk in the whole world.

The number of people online in the game continued to increase, reaching the highest level in three months, and some accounts that had been on gasoline for a year even re-logged in, and the background management staff of the game couldn't help but smile.

The customer service staff worked hard for so long and couldn't bring back many old players, but because Yicun Xiangsi and Keguan were not allowed to get married, all of them came back.

Xiao Yan looked at the data, and his eyes shone brightly.

He directly dialed Xiao Yijin's number, but no one answered after calling several times in a row.

Frowning, Xiao Yijin called Lao Zhang, and after the call got through, Lao Zhang answered the phone quickly: "Master, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yan: "Where's Xiao Yijin?"

Old Zhang: "The young master caught a cold in the rain today, and then fell asleep."

catch a cold?
After hesitating for a while, Xiao Yan said, "Go knock on the door and ask him if my wife still wants it."

"Ah?" Lao Zhang, who doesn't play games, didn't even know that Xiao Yijin was going to marry Tong Yao tonight, so he asked with a confused face: "Eldest young master, isn't Ms. Tong in the hotel with the young master? She didn't run away."

(End of this chapter)

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