Chapter 317 Kindergarten is the Cutest

He actually protects an inch of lovesickness...

Seeing Du Chuan's expression as if he had seen a ghost, Tong Yao explained again: "He's really not that dishonest, he's actually fine."

It’s okay if you don’t explain it, but when Du Chuan explained it, he felt a little overwhelmed, “Brother, I don’t think you need to put too much pressure on you. Anyway, Tong Shuo is no longer a threat to you. The engagement is broken, so you can fall in love freely."

"I don't like Yicun Xiangsi, and I get married just for fashion." The nursery rhyme is not lying. Although she has changed her mind about Yiinch, she doesn't like him.

Du Chuan waved his hands again and again after hearing the words: "Brother, let alone whether you like Yicun Xiangsi, but what I can know is that Yiinch Xiangsi likes you very much. At a wedding last night, he said he was giving out 999 supreme wedding candies, but he sent There are at least 1000 copies, which is more than 1 yuan, plus various gifts from him... In general, your wedding cost about [-] RMB..."

"In our game, it's too common for love to rush to the present. One inch lovesickness is so generous to marry you, not for the mission, he came for reality. Although Xiao Yijin is okay, the final choice for matters such as love is still In your own hands, what if you fall in love with Yicun Acacia after this meeting..."

After Du Chuan rambled on for a long time, Nursery Rhyme pressed his temple silently: "Are you Tang Seng?"

Du Chuan: "Brother, didn't I analyze the current situation for you? By the way, the nickname of my love game is Kindergarten is the cutest. Have you seen it a few times? Her real name is Wu Xiaojie. Can you help me find out?"

The cutest in kindergarten?
This name is so cute, it's just that this girl's real name is so similar to someone.

But seeing Du Chuan's loving face when he talked about his love, Tong Yao had no choice but to hold back: "Which Wu? Which Jie?"

"Koutian Wu, pure and white, my baby has a nice voice, super soft, but she keeps in touch with me in games and never agrees to add WeChat. I really want to see her." After Du Chuan finished speaking, he found the nursery rhyme Looking at him with a strange look, he asked, "Brother, did you not take your medicine or something? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Nursery rhyme: "Well, it's okay, congratulations on finding someone you like."

Wu Jie...Wu Xiaojie...


She has never seen this number...

It's just that the name is too coincidental.

She remembered that Wu Jie said that he had a female number, which seemed to be called Meng...

This will have to be investigated when I go back.

Guilty glanced at Du Chuan, Du Chuan was still telling her with great interest how soft and cute Wu Xiaojie usually talks, and how cute she was when she acted like a baby...

Thinking of that scene, Tong Yao couldn't help shivering with a chill down his back.

The two chatted for a while after eating, before Du Chuan sent the nursery rhyme back to school.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and he was already late anyway, so Nursery Rhyme didn't go to class and went back to the dormitory directly.

Thinking of Du Chuan's baby Wu Xiaojie, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of Tong Yao's mouth.

If Wu Xiaojie was really Wu Jie, then Du Chuan would probably trample Wu Jie to death.

However, this may also have a collision of names, and it is too early to draw a conclusion.

"Ding..." There was a text message.

Tong Yao picked up the phone and saw that it was a message from someone Xiao: "Where are you? Who did you go to dinner with? I'm coming to find you."

 Add more arrangements, refill, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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