The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 318 Hacking the Immortal Dream Player Database

Chapter 318 Hacking the Immortal Dream Player Database

Seeing this message, Tong Yao curled her lips lightly, and then replied: "I'm back to school."

Xiao Yijin replied to the text message almost instantly: "Who are you eating with?"

Looking at the text message, Tong Yao frowned slightly, something is wrong.

This Xiao Yijin didn't even like eating with others, so why did he come to congratulate herself when she married someone in the game.

And it seems to be very happy...

Not right. Not right.

Even though Xiao Yijin was ill when she married Yicun Xiangsi last night.

However, various previous deeds have shown that Yicun Xiangsi is a person who knows himself very well.

After returning from the hospital last night, she thought about it all night, and still felt that Xiao Yijin was very suspicious.

If Xiao Yijin was determined to hide her identity from herself, no matter how much she asked him, she would not tell him. Therefore, only she could verify this question.

As long as the player database of Xianmeng Game is hacked, everything will come to a conclusion.

Just do it.

Nursery rhyme immediately launched an attack on the Xianmeng game player database.

10 minute has passed...

10 minutes passed...

half an hour passed...

There were fine beads of sweat on Tong Yao's forehead, but the three-layer firewall could only shake the first layer, and there was no way to directly break through it...

Tong Yao is still very confident in his hacking skills, but he didn't expect that there is nothing he can do with the database.

Tongyao did not compromise and continued to launch a second round of attacks.

Xiao Liu, who was dozing off in the technology department of Xianmeng Players, was shocked when he found someone attacking the firewall, and immediately started to fight back: "Fuck, someone hacked our game database. If I didn't find out in time, it is estimated that the first layer of the firewall is hacked." Just break it for him."

After Xiao Liu finished speaking, Qiang Zi, who was sitting opposite him, sighed and said, "Even if you broke two layers of firewalls for him, you won't be afraid. The third layer was built by our Second Young Master Xiao himself. Who in this country can Break, safe, no problem."

"Although that's what you said, but do you think there is something wrong with this hacker? What's wrong with this hacker? He insisted on hacking our player database...Qiangzi, you crow mouth, I didn't stop you when the first floor was broken. , hurry up and help block the second floor!"

Xiao Yan passed by outside and heard Xiao Liu shouting here, so he poked his head in and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Liu was so busy that he didn't turn his head: "Chairman, someone hacked our database, and this has broken a layer of firewall."

"Oh, look for Xiao Yijin." After leaving those words, Xiao Yan drifted away.

Everyone in the technical department looked dull.

Of course they knew they could find Xiao Yijin, but...if they couldn't handle that little thing well, they would be repaired when Second Young Master Xiao came.

The second layer of firewall was blocked, and Tong Yao was so angry that he lay on the keyboard and cursed. Didn't the master hide his secrets? Didn't he say that he was already a first-class hacker in the country?

But is the first-class hacker in this country only at his own level?

I can't even get into this black database.

After working hard for a long time, Tong Yao still couldn't break through the second layer of firewall. Although the master didn't tell him not to bother him in time, it's an urgent matter now, right?
She doesn't know any information about Master, only that he has a code name X, and there is only one IP between them that can be contacted.

Three years ago, she had just learned hacking techniques, so she tried to hack a website, but was hacked back by someone, who later became her master.

X taught her how to hack for two years before he disappeared.

No matter what message he sent him, he never replied.

After struggling for a long time, Tong Yao still sent the message: Master, I have encountered a difficult matter and need your help.

(End of this chapter)

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