The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 319 The Breath of the Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 319 The Breath of the Hongmen Banquet
After sending the message, Tong Yao quit WeChat, then stopped attacking the database firewall, and started to log in to the game.

When Jiang Ya came back from class and saw Tong Yao playing a game, she dropped her bag and walked over and said, "Nong Yao, you are so lucky, the professor didn't call the name."

"Oh." Tong Yao stared at the game page with her chin clenching, becoming more and more curious about Xiao Yijin's game nickname.

Seeing Tong Yao's absent-minded look, Jiang Ya stretched out her hand and waved it in front of her eyes, "Tong Yao, are you thinking of Senior Colonel Xiao?"

Startled, Tong Yao quickly replied: "Missing him? Why do I miss him?"

"My eldest lady, don't I know who you are? If you didn't have Xiao Xiao in your heart, would you go out with him again and again? There are so many people chasing you in and out of school, I don't know I saw who you went out with." After Jiang Ya said these words, Tong Yao's hand that was operating the keyboard lightly paused.

"It's a very lucky thing to meet someone you like on the university campus, Tong Yao, you have to be brave." Jiang Ya patted Tong Yao's shoulder lightly, and then left.

At this time, Xiao Yijin sent another text message: "Let's have dinner together, let's talk about the song at the Christmas party."

Nursery Rhyme: "Oh."

Xiao Yijin: "At seven o'clock, I'll pick you up from downstairs in your dormitory."

At seven o'clock, nursery rhyme went downstairs, and Xiao Yijin was already waiting there.

Tong Yao walked over and asked directly, "What's Wu Jie's game nickname?"

Xiao Yijin was taken aback for a moment, he was thinking about how he should answer if the nursery rhyme asked him his game nickname.

Who knew, the ugly girl actually asked that guy Wu Jie.

Is she trying to make a fuss?

As long as you know Wu Jie's game nickname, it's not a matter of minutes to know your own game nickname.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yijin thought of Wu Jie's trumpet, and said coldly, "He is called the cutest in kindergarten."

Nursery Rhyme: "!!!"

Fuck, something big happened.

Really are……

"Hahahaha..." Tong Yao suddenly laughed, tears came out after a while.

Xiao Yijin frowned and looked at the nursery rhyme, not knowing what happened at all.

People around cast strange eyes.

Reaching out to rub Tong Yao's hair, Xiao Yijin asked speechlessly: "Ugly girl, are you stupid?"

"Drunk lying on the cloud, do you remember?" The more you think about the nursery rhyme, the more funny it becomes. Du Chuan chose a thousand and one ways to find a relationship, but it turned out to be a man, hahaha...

"Hmm." Xiao Yijin nodded, looked at Tong Yao's smiling eyes, and said again: "What's wrong with him?"

Hearing this, Tong Yao smiled and said in a low voice: "Drunken Wo Yun is Du Chuan. He wants to run with Qingyuan in the game, but Qingyuan disagrees. He also said that Qingyuan belongs to our school, and his name is Wu Xiaojie."

Xiao Yijin: "..."

Wu Xiaojie...

It doesn't seem like Wu Jie used this name to cheat in the game.

But this time the target is actually that Ferrari kid, not bad, not bad, give this guy an extra meal.

If you want to add it, Xiao Yijin took out her mobile phone and sent Wu Jie a WeChat message: "Xiao Jiezi, today I will reward you with a luxurious seafood buffet."

Wu Jie, who was writing the book, was frightened. This was nothing but a reward. How could it feel like he smelled the smell of a grand banquet.

So he replied tremblingly: "Boss, tell me clearly why you want to reward me, I'm a little scared."

Xiao Yijin: "If you don't eat it, I'll give it to Sun Yi."

Wu Jie: "Eat, eat, eat, must eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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