The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 320 This Is The Song I Wrote For You

Chapter 320 This Is The Song I Wrote For You
Nursery Yao, who was walking beside Xiao Yijin, saw his treacherous smile, so she moved a little distance away from him, and asked coldly, "Say, should I tell Du Chuan that his relationship is a man?"

"No." Xiao Yijin gave the answer quickly, and then explained: "Zui Woyun likes his love so much, if you say that suddenly, he will be very sad."

Xiao Yijin's words made Tong Yao's mouth twitch, when did this guy become so understanding.

In her memory, Xiao Yijin probably didn't like Du Chuan, but he was worried that Du Chuan would be sad if the truth was revealed?

Why do you feel a little strange.

This shouldn't be something Xiao Yijin can say.

"Hey, Xiao Yijin, did you take the wrong medicine?" Tong Yao stretched out her finger and poked Xiao Yijin's arm.

Xiao Yijin turned around, reached out and grabbed Tong Yao's little hand, and stuffed her hand into the pocket of her down jacket, "Aren't your hands cold? Don't poke randomly."

Tong Yao pulled her hand out, but Xiao Yijin didn't want to let go, so she grabbed her tightly. Tong Yao got angry and kicked him, but he didn't hide!

He was kicked by the nursery rhyme.

There were a lot of people coming and going on campus, and in the eyes of everyone, it was just the two of them showing their affection.

"The two of them really love each other."

"To be honest, the senior is really generous. He actually allowed Tong Yao to marry another man in the game."

"A new generation of wife-loving maniacs is born."


Unable to pull out her hand, Tong Yao had no choice but to let Xiao Yijin hold her hand.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme stopped struggling, the corners of Xiao Yijin's mouth slightly curled up. Her hand was ice-cold but soft, and it felt like holding a baby's hand.

There were only six days until the Christmas party, and he was really looking forward to that day, looking forward to it.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Xiao Yijin took out his phone before the waiter started serving the food, and turned on the music: "Listen to this song."

The nursery rhyme nods, but the more I listen to it, the more I like it. The melody is beautiful and the lyrics are also beautiful.

She has never had much resistance to the ancient style, not to mention that this song is really nice.

"Is this the new story song that Xianmeng will release soon?" After listening to the song, Nursery Rhyme reached out and clicked to play it again.

Looking at the smile in the corner of Tong Yao's eyes, Xiao Yijin's eyes darkened slightly: "Do you like it?"

Nursery rhyme nodded: "Well, what's the name of this song?"

"As long as you like it, this is a song I wrote for you." Xiao Yijin's voice was very gentle, and Tong Yao raised her head, and was captured by the tenderness in his eyes.

The song he... wrote for her?

He also writes songs?
She has always envied those who are written into songs by her lover, but one day, someone actually wrote her into the song.

and many more.



what is she thinking...

"Excuse me, the food is ready." The waiter's voice came, the nursery rhyme came back to his senses, his ears turned red, and he sat up straight.

Xiao Yijin stared at Tong Yao's face with a half-smile, watching her eyes keep dodging, watching her cheeks turn crimson little by little.

Feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, Tong Yao took a sip of the orange juice in front of him, glared at him and said, "What do you see me doing?"

The ugly girl is so pretty even when she is angry.

After staring at the nursery rhyme for a while, Xiao Yijin raised her eyebrows lightly, and said lightly, "What's the matter? You're so good-looking that no one is allowed to see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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