Chapter 321 A Sweet Song

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Seeing that the nursery rhyme refused to talk to him, Xiao Yijin said again: "Okay, I won't quarrel with you, this song is our performance at the Christmas party. I will take care of your performance costumes and makeup, and you are only responsible for it." Just practice the song well."

"Hmm." Practicing a song in a few days is not difficult for nursery rhymes.

It was nearly ten o'clock when the two returned to the dormitory after eating.

Tong Yao pushed the door open and found Jiang Ya sitting on a chair playing games.

Hearing the sound of the nursery rhyme closing the door, Jiang Ya suddenly turned around and said, "My big beauty, you are posting at school again."

Nursery rhyme has long been familiar with the fact that he frequently posted on the bar, "What is the reason this time? Don't say it's because Xiao Yijin led me on the road."

"Tch, it really should be that simple. There are some women in school who adore Senior Colonel Xiao and make troubles, saying that you got married in the game, and then in reality you are ambiguous with Senior Colonel Xiao. There are also people who have made a lot of spoofs. Where's your picture?" Jiang Ya and Tong Yao are in the same dormitory, so she naturally knows that Tong Yao married Yicun Xiangsi for the mission.

But those women don't know.

Besides, even if they knew, they wouldn't believe it.

After all, they couldn't accept Xiao Yijin's liking for nursery rhymes at all, so as long as they caught the slightest problem with nursery rhymes, they immediately made a fuss out of a molehill.

Jiang Ya reached out to take off the earphones, looked at the nursery rhyme still eating and drinking expressionlessly, and said speechlessly: "Are you saying that these women in the school are too idle, and they don't care about it, Senior Colonel Xiao, why are they excited?"

Tong Yao nodded: "I made a bet with Xiao Yijin before, he bet that I would have a romantic relationship with the game, and he also said that he would not interfere with any of my friendships in the game."

"Ah?" Jiang Ya looked bewildered, "I think this is very inconsistent with Colonel Xiao's idiot style."

The style of vinegar jar?

Tong Yao shrugged slightly, he was indeed easily jealous.

This time he was so magnanimous that even he was surprised.

After saving the music file sent by Xiao Yijin to the phone, Nursery Rhyme put on the earphones and started listening to the song.

While listening to the song and clearing the copy, she only went online for about 2 minutes, and Yicun Xiangsi went online.

System prompt: Player Yicun Xiangsi invites you to join his team.

After Tongyao clicked to agree, it was sent to Yiinch Xiangsi's side, and then a sentence popped up on the game page: "Your husband Yiinch Xiangsi invites you to enter the Qingyuan copy, please confirm."

Copy of Love?

After hesitating for a while, Tong Yao confirmed the dungeon. She had always wanted to have a baby to increase her combat power. She and Yicun Xiangsi played the dungeon of love on the master difficulty level, which has a high chance of triggering the hidden dungeon.

For the combat power of the two of them, the dungeon of love is really casual. The first three small bosses have passed, and the hidden dungeon has not been triggered.

Tong Yao sighed, thinking in her heart that today she seems to be out of luck with children.

Unexpectedly, the last BOSS fell, and the scene of the dungeon suddenly changed, and a fat doll appeared on the grass: "Congratulations to the two immortal friends who triggered the hidden dungeon 'Send the Avalokitesvara' in the love dungeon. You only need to complete the guidance task within the specified time. Then you can meet your baby."

"Hahahaha..." Tongyao laughed out loud with joy, and that laughter made Jiang Ya's back feel a little chilly.

Nursery rhymes can easily become schizophrenic as soon as they play the game, and the switch between the goddess and the female nerves is within a second.

"Ding dong." While Nursery Yao was happily doing the guidance task, Yicun Xiangsi sent a message: "It turns out that I am not infertile, and it is quite powerful, and I have it in one go."

 good night!

(End of this chapter)

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