The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 322 Celebrating the Birth of a Fat Boy

Chapter 322 Celebrating the Birth of a Fat Boy

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

To be honest, Tong Yao really didn't expect this inch of lovesickness to be so vengeful. He said something about infertility to him a few months ago, but he still has a grudge in his heart, and he still doesn't forget to come to her.

Cut, cheapskate.

After completing the guidance task, a baby's picture appeared under the character attributes of the nursery rhyme. It was actually a little boy with a wild profession. The attributes were considered excellent, and a lot of defensive attributes were added to her.

As long as I buy some qualification pills to cleanse, she will definitely become an excellent meat shield. At that time, she will be even more invincible, able to resist and output, and life is really beautiful.

Yicun Acacia: "My lady, when will we have a second child?"

Nursery rhyme: "Depend on my mood."

Yicun Acacia: "..."

Xiao Yijin sighed, he likes his daughter, who knew he gave birth to a fat boy.

But... this is the child of him and Nursery Rhyme. After thinking about it, Xiao Yijin said to the three people in the dormitory: "Tomorrow, I invite you to eat roasted whole lamb."

Wu Jie was surprised: "Why?"

Xiao Yijin: "To celebrate that I and Nursery Yao gave birth to a child."

The three people in the dormitory collectively petrified...

Is this a celebration for giving birth to a child in the game?

Rich and willful.

Their boss is really almost hopeless.

But they are happy when they have something to eat.

So Xiaojian asked weakly: "Boss, is there any arrangement for the full moon wine?"

Hearing this, Wu Jie couldn't help bursting out laughing, holding back so hard.

Who knew Xiao Yijin muttered again: "Yes."

Three people: "..."

They understand that life will be extremely beautiful if you curry favor with nursery rhymes.

At noon the next day, Tong Yao received a text message just after class, saying that she had a courier.

Thinking of what happened last time, Nursery Rhyme kept an eye out, and the courier outlet checked the number, and found that it was indeed the number of a courier boy in the university town.

Jiang Ya accompanied Tong Yao to pick up the courier, which was a small box, still tightly wrapped.

"What is this? Nursery rhyme, isn't this a mysterious gift prepared by Colonel Xiao for you? It's almost Christmas!" Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Ya hugged Tong Yao's arm excitedly : "Hurry up, open it, open it, I want to see what kind of gift our Colonel Xiao will give you!"

The sender's name was Zhao Lei, and she didn't know him at all.

There were a lot of couriers, so Tong Yao moved to the side and reached out to tear off the tape.

When she finished tearing off the tape and was about to open it, she felt that the contents of the box seemed to be moving.

Seeing that the nursery rhyme had stopped moving, Jiang Ya asked curiously: "What's wrong with the nursery rhyme? Is there something wrong?"

Looking at the box, she felt that the contents in the box were moving, and the movement was not small. Tong Yao turned her head and looked at Jiang Ya again, and said weakly, "It's...alive."

"Ah? Alive?" Jiang Ya was frightened, and her voice became a little trembling: "Uh... uh, why don't you throw away the box? In case there are snakes or poisonous insects inside, come out and bite What shall we do?"

Originally, Nursery Rhyme didn't feel too scared, but when she heard Jiang Ya's words, she was at a loss, "Is there any poisonous snake? I don't have any deep hatred with anyone."

"You don't understand. A lot of girls like Colonel Xiao are crazy. They think that you are disloyal to Colonel Xiao by getting married in the game, so even if you do something crazy, it is possible." Jiang Ya said. Really guilty, looking at the nursery rhyme still standing there holding the box.

Gritting her teeth, she grabbed the box and threw it on the ground aside.

(End of this chapter)

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