The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 324 Soon I Will Be Your Boyfriend

Chapter 324 Soon I Will Be Your Boyfriend
"The cafeteria is probably full of leftovers now. I'll treat you to dinner. I'll show you how I can check when I come back." As he spoke, Nursery Rhyme became excited, and the peaceful life finally became a little more fun.

Xiao Yijin and the others walked back from the cafeteria after eating. Wu Jie played with his mobile phone while walking, and suddenly shouted: "Fuck, boss! Look!"

"What..." Xiao Yijin didn't sleep well, and was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, but someone had already stuffed the phone in front of his eyes, so he reluctantly glanced at it.

First, he saw the name of the nursery rhyme, which made him sober up a little.

Then I saw a photo, the girl in the photo was nursery rhyme, and someone circled nursery rhyme's feet in red.

There seemed to be something under her feet.

He snatched Wu Jie's cell phone, enlarged the picture, and saw a snake!

Exit the picture, everyone in the class is chatting in full swing.

Zhu Min: If you ask me to say this nursery rhyme, it's really bold. Before the two guards caught the snake, she stepped on it with one foot.

You Xiaoli: When I look at that photo, I feel chills all over my body, it's a snake!I have to say that nursery rhymes are really cool.

Anguojun: This is not the point, the point is who is so wicked to deliver a snake to other people's nursery rhymes?

Zhu Min: That's right, it's really frenzied. If you were a little timid, you might have a heart attack.

Sun Yi: That's not the point, the point is, that little trash guessed the tiger's tail, and it's over.

Crowd: ...

Nursery rhymes are scary enough, but there is Xiao Yijin, and they seem to have met that person's future.

Return the mobile phone to Wu Jie, and walk forward quickly.

Wu Jie and the others looked at Xiao Yijin's back tremblingly. Xiao, who had been drowsy just now, was like a beast that had been awakening, exuding a frightening murderous aura all over his body.

Sun Yi: "The first rule of living in the dormitory is not to mess with nursery rhymes."

Wu Jie: "Xiuer."

Xiaojian nodded in agreement: "One hundred faint."

Walking on the road, Xiao Yijin called Tong Yao, and it took a long time for her to answer the call: "Hello, what are you doing?"

Xiao Yijin: "Why didn't you call me when something happened at noon today?"

The nursery rhyme who was checking the sender's information said a little speechlessly: "Why do I call you for things that I can handle by myself?"

"Do you know what a boyfriend is for?" Xiao Yijin asked instinctively.

Then the nursery rhyme black question mark face: "You are not my boyfriend either."

"It will be there soon." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy sound coming from the other end of the phone, Tong Yao cursed in a low voice: "Crazy."

Jiang Ya, who was sitting on the side, stared at the computer screen of Tongyao, and said drowsily: "Tongyao, I thought you were going to show me the kind, that is, the series of incomprehensible things on the screen in TV dramas. That kind of thing, who knows you are checking your identity information here..."

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched: "You know it's something you don't understand, so you still want to see it?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ya immediately stood up and said, "Although I can't understand it, it feels very advanced!"

Seeing Jiang Ya's bright eyes, Tong Yao chuckled and shook her head: "I'm convinced, do you want to see it? Come on, give me a shoulder squeeze, and I'll let you see it."

"Okay!" Jiang Ya stood up excitedly, and immediately began to squeeze the nurse's shoulders: "My God, is my strength enough? My God, do you want to drink tea?"

(End of this chapter)

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