Chapter 325
Seeing Tong Yao's hand beating rapidly on the keyboard, Jiang Ya first stared at the things that Tong Yao typed on with a dazed expression, and then the screen moved, and those things that seemed familiar in the TV series and couldn't understand appeared...

"Wow, this is too advanced! Ma Dan, I really didn't expect that I would still be in the same dormitory with the master hacker, ah ha ha ha..." Jiang Ya was so excited that she was incoherent. Just as she took the phone to take a picture, the screen had already jumped I arrived at the surveillance camera screen of a shop.

Jiang Ya: "..."

Jiang Ya was aggrieved: "God fairy, I haven't taken a picture yet, why did you make that very high-level page disappear so quickly?"

Tong Yao glanced back at Jiang Ya lazily, and said something that made Jiang Ya vomit blood: "Things like black monitoring are too simple, I also want to slow it down, but my strength does not allow it."

This is really embarrassing.

But it feels so handsome...

If the nursery rhyme is a boy, it must be very popular.

Rich, handsome, Game Thief 6, and a great hacker...

Perfect, really perfect.

"Jiang Ya, if you keep staring at me like this, I will wonder if you are in love with me." Tong Yao was checking the surveillance camera, but found that the little girl Jiang Ya was looking at her all the time, with eyes that wanted to eat her up same.

"Hey, I was thinking that if you were a man, you would be as popular as Colonel Xiao." After Jiang Ya finished speaking, she sat beside the nursery rhyme with a smile: "How is it? What did you find?"

"I found the collection point of this courier tracking number, and then hacked the monitoring of this point. If you look at the monitoring of the courier collection during this period, you can find the person who took this box." Tong Yao propped his chin with one hand , eyes fixed on the computer screen, not to miss everyone who came in.

Sitting next to her, Jiang Ya stared at the screen with her eyes wide open.

For fear of missing a little bit of information.

On the other side, in Xiao Yijin's dormitory, the four people were also staring at the computer screen in front of them.

Wu Jie was about to burst into tears: "Boss, do you think we can find it this way?"

Sun Yi: "I just want to ask, what should we do if we find it?"

Xiaojian: "What should I do? Take him away."

Xiao Yijin: "..."

After 10 minutes, Wu Jie suddenly slapped the table: "Back back, back! It's the guy with the sly eyebrows just now!"

Xiao Yijin reached out to reverse the surveillance video, and then saw a man walking in with a black plastic bag, and he directly gave the black plastic bag to the courier brother.

The little brother made a gesture to open the box to inspect the goods, and then the man gave the little brother a stack of hundred yuan bills, and then the courier brother packed the courier.

Seeing this, Wu Jie couldn't bear the tantrum class anymore, and shouted directly: "I'll take a look at this outlet, it's only about an hour away by subway, let's go, let's go to him!"

Seeing his irritable appearance, Sun Yi gave him a disgusted look: "Can you use some brains, this person looks like he is running errands."

Hearing this, Wu Jie was stunned: "Why is he running errands?"

Xiaojian: "He looks like a homeless man, how could he be willing to spend so much money to send a courier."

Wu Jie turned his head to look at the computer screen, but it was the man in ragged clothes, "It seems to be the same, so we won't be able to find the behind-the-scenes instructions."

"No, I can find it." Xiao Yijin moved her fingers, checked the shops and surveillance cameras around the online store, and then began to hack the surveillance cameras of others one by one.

Finally, at an intersection 100 meters away, a suspicious figure was spotted.

Zoom in, zoom in again.

They saw the man's face clearly.

Xiao Yijin narrowed her eyes slightly, and the coldness in her eyes became even worse.

"Ding." There was a text message on the phone, Xiao Yijin clicked on it, and in an instant, a storm swept through his eyes.

Unknown number: "Ha, it seems that you have found me, and your little lover has also found me. Let's see... She found me first, or... You? Look at her small appearance, she is really fresh and delicious, Jin, do you mind if I try it first?"

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(End of this chapter)

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