Chapter 326 That Strange Man
Xiao Yijin turned her face slightly, but the terrifying look in her eyes made Xiaojian take a step back in fright.

What happened to their boss?Why is it like being possessed by a demon?
The voice of the text message thought for a while, Xiao Yijin lowered her head, and saw a photo of nursery rhymes in class.

Xiao Yijin's hands trembled slightly.

It's a picture of a nursery rhyme. I thought that after what happened last time, Yun Zilei would calm down, but I didn't expect him to jump out at this time to join hands with Qin Yiyi.

His threatening words seemed to be still in his ears, as the past flooded in, Xiao Yijin's face became more and more ugly.

This number has obviously been processed, so it cannot be called back. It is not difficult to unravel the disguise of this number. Now we must prevent the nursery rhyme from passing.

Yun Zilei and him fought against each other in an international hacker event a few years ago. When they first met, the two had a good relationship because of their technical competition. At that time, he called him Jin.

Later in the competition, he defeated Yun Zilei and won the first place. He rejected a certain crazy proposal from Yun Zilei, and the two parted ways since then, as if they were strangers.

There is no intersection in life anymore.

Until... the nursery rhyme came along.

Seeing Xiao Yijin's complexion was not good, Wu Jie said worriedly, "Boss, is your complexion so ugly? Do you have a fever again?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin shook her head: "I'm fine."

Although Xiao Yijin said nothing was wrong, Sun Yi sensed that something was wrong, so he stepped forward and asked, "Is something wrong with the nursery rhyme?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." After Xiao Yijin finished speaking, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Nursery Rhyme's number, but she didn't answer for a long time.

Xiao Yijin threw the phone away, locked the nursery rhyme phone and sat down, and then breathed a sigh of relief, she is still in the dormitory, that's good.

The ugly girl must also be checking the person who sent the courier, but she probably didn't see Yun Zilei, because his figure passed by in a flash, and Tong Yao didn't know the relationship between Yun Zilei and Qin Yiyi, so naturally she wouldn't notice it When the time comes for him.

It was Qin Yiyi who stood at the intersection under surveillance and handed over the box containing the snake to the homeless man.

And Yun Zilei squatted on the stairs opposite Qin Yiyi.

"Wu Jie, send Jiang Ya a WeChat message, tell her to watch the nursery rhyme, and tell her not to leave the dormitory until she receives my notice." Xiao Yijin's voice was very cold, Wu Jie was a little scared, nodded and immediately sent it to Jiang Ya WeChat.

Watching the video surveillance just now made her almost blind. Jiang Ya was lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

Hearing the voice of WeChat, he opened it, took a look, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, and then replied: She seems to be checking something, and she probably won't go out for a while.

Wu Jie: Check what?Nursery rhymes What can she look up?
Jiang Ya: Damn, Wu Jie, let me tell you, I was really eye-opened just now, I really didn’t expect Nursery Rhyme to be a master hacker, it’s the kind of very high-end and foreign-style picture in the movie, I actually saw it just now!

Upon receiving this message, the corner of Wu Jie's mouth twitched, and he typed quickly: What high-end and foreign style picture?

Jiang Ya: It’s the kind where letters and symbols are all running around on the screen. I can’t understand it, but it’s amazing.

Wu Jie: ...

After looking at the information, Wu Jie looked at Xiao Yijin again, and asked weakly, "Boss, do you know nursery rhymes are hackers?"

Xiao Yijin nodded slightly: "Yes."

The three people in the dormitory looked confused, and sure enough...

Nursery rhymes and their boss are people from the same world.

Thinking of the exposure of Zhuang Xinyu's photos without makeup, Wu Jie's back suddenly felt a little chilly. At that time, they all thought that their boss had done it secretly.

But he didn't expect that all this was done by Tong Yao himself.

"No, Boss, if Tong Yao is a master hacker, wouldn't it be easy for her to find out your ID?" Wu Jie asked wonderingly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin slowly came back to her senses, and looked at Wu Jie with incomparable contempt: "Are you a member of the Xianmeng Game Technical Department just for display?"

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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