The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 327 The Boss Is Really Pretentious

Chapter 327 The Boss Is Really Pretentious
"Boss, Tong Yao called you." Xiao Yijin was in deep thought when the phone on the bed rang, and Wu Jie handed it over.

While handing over the mobile phone, he muttered: "The boss is really, the nursery rhymes are so beautiful, he actually remarked an ugly girl."

Sun Yi snorted coldly when he heard the words: "What do you know? That's called nicknames."

While the two were arguing, Xiao Yijin had already picked up the phone: "Ugly girl, what's wrong?"

Listening to Xiao Yijin's soft voice, Xiaojian complained silently: "Boss is really too contrived, talking to us is as cold as ice, and as soon as he called nursery rhymes, he immediately warmed up to him."

Before he could speak, Xiaojian was glared at by someone, so he had to shrink his neck obediently.

On the other end of the phone, the voice of the nursery rhyme came: "I found the person who sent me the snake. I plan to talk to that person about life and ideals, but because you know her, I..."

Before the nursery rhyme finished, Xiao Yijin said, "Don't worry about me, I'll take you there by car."

Hearing this, Tong Yao was startled, "Are you driving? Take me there? No, I'll ask Lao Zhang to drive."

Xiao was rejected, and the consequences were very serious: "Ugly girl, what do you mean? Dislike me?"

Nursery rhyme: "I don't dislike you, I just cherish life."

Originally, Nursery Rhyme didn't know that Xiao Yijin's driving skills were poor, but Lao Zhang accidentally said something wrong once.

To be reasonable, she is indeed a little scared of a person who can reverse the car into other people's shops on the empty street.

When Wu Jie and the others heard that Xiao Yijin was going to drive, each of them was a little bit smart, but once Xiao Yijin made up his mind, no amount of cows would be able to pull him back.

They also had to pray for the nursery rhyme.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yijin turned off the computer and was about to go out, but Wu Jie thought of another thing: "Boss, recently nursery rhymes have been criticized by many girls at school, saying that she was unfaithful to you in the game marriage, don't you plan to take care of it? You Knowing that some girls are so crazy, I worry about them doing something bad with nursery rhymes."

Xiao Yijin nodded lightly when she heard the words: "I will deal with this matter, I will go out first."

After walking downstairs quickly, Xiao Yijin called Lao Zhang.

As soon as the phone was connected, Lao Zhang picked it up: "Master, I'm almost at the gate of your school."

Xiao Yijin: "I'll drive by myself in a while."

Old Zhang: "No, Miss Tong called me just now and asked me to see her off."

Xiao Yijin: "I've already taken the time to practice driving, really."

Old Zhang: "Master, it's useless for you to tell me, you tell the chairman, and I will let you drive if he agrees."

Xiao Yijin felt a headache and hung up the phone.

Then he sent a text message to the cracked number: "I'll see you at the north gate of Hebin Park at ten o'clock in the evening. Before that, if my wife has a little loss, I will make you regret coming to this world."

Looking at the time, Xiao Yijin walked out while reading the posts on the post bar. Looking at the messy posts, Xiao Yijin moved her hand, edited a post and sent it out.

The content is: I allow Nursery Rhyme to marry in the game, and no one has the right to interfere with her in-game dating behavior. If you are so 6, then go and marry the number one in the server.

As soon as this post came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Is this Xiao Yijin still the Xiao Yijin they knew?

The style of painting is not right.

Those girls who were attacking nursery rhymes in the post bar were so angry that they almost vomited blood when they saw Xiao Yijin's post.

It's just that Xiao Yijin doesn't care anymore, so what position do they have to talk about other nursery rhymes?

(End of this chapter)

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