The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 328 Young master has never even held a girl's hand before

Chapter 328 Young master has never even held a girl's hand before

As soon as Xiao Yijin walked downstairs to the nursery rhyme, she saw her briskly walking out of the dormitory with a pink bag in her hand.

Looks like he's in a good mood.

Seeing Xiao Yijin, Tong Yao directly asked, "She is also your god-sister, isn't it good for you to follow me to fix her like this?"

Xiao Yijin: "She deserves to be repaired because she is ignorant."

Looking at Xiao Yijin's stinky face, Tong Yao gently shrugged: "Okay, let's go, I can actually handle this kind of trivial matter, you don't need to come forward, I just call you to let you know, after all, she I have a special relationship with you."

Turning her head to look at nursery rhyme, Xiao Yijin stood in front of nursery rhyme, blocking her way.

Tong Yao looked up suspiciously, but met his deep eyes: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Yijin bent down lightly, approached the nursery rhyme, and underestimated her laughter: "Ugly girl, you have to learn to rely on me. You are a girl and should be protected by nature."

"But I can protect myself, and I don't need others to protect me." After the nursery rhyme finished speaking, he felt someone's face darken.

Once, she naively thought that someone would protect her when she entered Tong's house, but only later did she realize that she had entered hell.

Since then, she has learned to protect herself.

Only you are the most reliable.

Xiao Yijin straightened up angrily and walked forward, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, this girl is usually very smart, but why is she so stupid sometimes.

What he meant was to let her rely on herself.

But what about her...

Or treat yourself as an outsider...

The two walked to the school gate one after the other, and Lao Zhang was waiting by the car far away. Seeing Tong Yao passing by, he immediately opened the car door for Tong Yao: "Good afternoon, Miss Tong."

Nursery rhyme chuckled: "Uncle Zhang, good afternoon."

Lao Zhang caught a glimpse of their young master's stinky face, so he whispered to the nursery rhyme: "What's wrong?"

Tong Yao shook her head and shoulders timidly, "Probably took the wrong medicine."

Lao Zhang felt a little funny, got into the car directly, and drove to the place mentioned in the nursery rhyme.

Xiao Yijin didn't speak, and Nursery Rhyme ignored him, and talked to Lao Zhang one after another, and the two chatted happily, and Xiao felt that he was left out.

He... was ignored by these two people...

Squinting at the nursery rhyme, she happily told Lao Zhang about her trip to Xinjiang, and the corners of her eyes were crooked when she smiled...

Xiao Yijin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, this stupid girl can laugh like that with Lao Zhang, why does she have a paralyzed face when facing herself?

Is he not doing well enough?

He took out his phone and took a picture of his face.

Tong Yao suddenly asked, "Are you taking a selfie?"

"No." Xiao Yijin was taken aback, he just used the camera as a mirror, he didn't like taking selfies.

Seeing his stinky expression, Tong Yao asked again: "Qin Yiyi has a good relationship with your parents, but I feel like you don't like her very much."

Xiao Yijin didn't know how to start with this question.

Lao Zhang, who was driving, immediately answered: "Miss Tong, you don't know something. The relationship between the young master and Miss Qin was fine before, but suddenly one day, Miss Qin confessed to the young master, and then the young master ignored her. Seeing her is like meeting an enemy."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Xiao Yijin was afraid that the nursery rhyme might be misunderstood, and added: "I rejected all the girls who confessed to me, and I haven't broken ties with any woman."

Old Zhang: "Master, he never even held a girl's hand before!"

Xiao Yijin: "Shut up."

(End of this chapter)

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