Chapter 329

Xiao Yijin has never held a girl's hand before?
Tong Yao bit her lip lightly, and turned to look at him.

But Xiao looked out of the window as if he knew Tong Yao would visit him.

Tong Yao's eyes narrowed slightly, so she was the first girl Xiao Yijin hooked.

So... Was her first kiss also his first kiss?
Thinking of this question, the corner of Tong Yao's mouth slightly twitched, then... not a loss.

The car was a little too quiet. In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Lao Zhang asked, "Miss Tong, do you want to hear about the embarrassing things about the young master?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Xiao immediately exploded: "Old Zhang, I found that you talk a lot today."

Seeing Xiao Yijin's reaction was so strong, Tong Yao knew that Lao Zhang must have grasped Xiao Yijin's fierce information, so he smiled and said, "Uncle Zhang, ignore him, and tell me quickly."

Seeing the nursery rhyme so interesting, Xiao Yijin said, "The client is here, just ask what you want to hear."

The nursery rhyme curled her lips lightly when she heard the words: "Do you think I'm stupid or something? If I ask you, you must pick something unimportant and tell me."

Being exposed, Xiao was a little embarrassed.

He did think so just now.

Hearing the two quarreling behind, Lao Zhang smiled softly: "Miss Tong, when you were born, my wife took the young master to see you, but the young master hugged you and kissed you when he saw you. saliva."

Xiao Yijin: "!!!"

Nursery Rhyme: "..."


Kiss her so that her face is full of saliva?

Xiao Yijin hasn't turned 21 yet, so she's just over two years older than her...

I made up the scene of a wobbly little girl hugging her and kissing her. Nursery rhyme shook silently, and then said disgustedly: "Is your cleanliness feigned? Then you don't pay attention to hygiene, and you still treat me The kiss is full of saliva."

Xiao Yijin had nothing to say, because he really didn't remember what happened when he was over two years old.

He didn't even know he'd seen nursery rhymes before...

It turned out that he had already kissed the ugly girl when he was a child.

In this way, he was the first man in the world to kiss her.

My mood improved inexplicably.

She is still a baby, she should be fragrant and soft...

While joking, several people had already arrived at their destination.

Surveillance showed that it was Qin Yiyi who gave the box and money to the homeless man, and she lived in this hotel.

As for the room number, she had already hacked the hotel management system to get it.

The two got out of the car, and Tong Yao stood at the door of the hotel looking around, but didn't intend to go in.

After the cold wind blew for a long time, Xiao Yijin's little face turned red from reading the nursery rhymes, so she asked, "Ugly girl, who are you waiting for?"

"Wait for someone who can trick Qin Yiyi out." After Tong Yao finished speaking, she saw Du Chuan running and stopped by the side of the road.

In order to come to see his Wu Xiaojie, Du Chuan took several days off work, so she asked him for help temporarily.

Originally, the nursery rhyme wanted to tell Du Chuan that Wu Xiaojie was Wu Jie, but this guy's circle of friends was Wu Xiaojie, and she couldn't bear to talk with Wu Xiaojie for three words...

Seeing Du Chuan running towards Tong Yao with a smile, Xiao Yijin's expression became a little ugly. Tong Yao thought of asking this Ferrari kid for help, but never thought of him...

If you want to trick Qin Yiyi out, is there anyone more suitable than him?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yijin reached out and poked Tong Yao's little head: "Ugly girl, did you forget something? I can help too."

Looking at Xiao's disappointed expression, Du Chuan suddenly felt sorry for him, and explained: "No matter how much you hate Qin Yiyi, but the relationship between her and you is right there, if my elder brother asks you to lie She, when she sues your parents, you will be very embarrassed. "

(End of this chapter)

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