Chapter 334 Glib Xiao Yijin

Tong Yao entered the house, and was shocked to see Xiao Yijin's game figurines and clothes all over the room.

This house probably exists to store clothes, figures and various peripherals.

Although there were a lot of things, they were cleaned up very cleanly, and all things were classified and put away.

Xiao Yijin went into the study and turned on the computer. On the computer screen was a photo of him and Tong Yao swimming in the lake.

Fortunately, I was looking at the figurines outside, otherwise I would have been discovered. After replacing the computer desktop, Xiao Yijin yelled to the living room: "Ugly girl, come in."

After a while, Tong Yao came in with a game doll in his hand. This doll is the snow monster in the Snow Mountain dungeon, but it was made into a Q version, which is a bit cute.

On the way here, Tong Yao actually believed Xiao Yijin's words to some extent, but this guy insisted on her coming to see it, so she had no choice but to come and see it.

Sitting next to Xiao Yijin, Tong Yao found that his hacking skills were surprisingly high, as if he was even better than herself.

In a short while, Xiao Yijin hacked into her computer, and the desktop of that computer... was actually a photo of her in high school...

That was her wearing a school uniform and a ponytail, holding ice cream in her hand...

After staring at the photo for a while, Tong Yao turned to look at Xiao Yijin again: "Hey, I said you... When did you follow me?"

Xiao Yijin slowly stood up from the chair, looked down at Tong Yao's little face, and said softly: "After I saw you for the first time, I checked you when I went back, and then I fell into trouble."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."


The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Xiao Yijin realized that she might have said something wrong, so she changed the subject: "You can take whatever you want from here."

"That's it." Tong Yao hugged the doll in his hand, turned and walked out: "I'm going back first, the exam is coming soon."

take an exam?

I've been thinking about how to play nursery rhymes all semester, but Xiao Yijin almost forgot that they have their final exams in January, and now it's the end of December, and the exams are just a few days after the Christmas party.

After the final exam is over, it will be winter vacation.

Does that mean...he won't see nursery rhymes for a holiday?

Seeing the nursery rhyme moving forward, Xiao Yijin hurriedly followed: "Do you need me to tutor you? I heard that your linear algebra is not very good."

Tong Yao paused, and looked at Xiao Yijin suspiciously: "Can you still tutor me? Stop making trouble."

Being disgusted, Xiao Yijin smiled instead, and he found another opportunity to get along with the ugly girl.

Lao Zhang sent the nursery rhymes away, and Xiao Liu sent a WeChat message: Er Shao, the thing you asked us to design for the Christmas party has encountered a little problem, and I am worried that it will not work well.

Xiao Yijin: The best results must be achieved, and if the funds are insufficient, please let me know.

Koyanagi: It's not about money, it's just that time is a little tight.

Xiao Yijin: Brothers have worked hard these days, I will find time to work overtime with you in the evening, and the remuneration will be doubled after the work is done.

Koyanagi: OK, by the way, Er Shao, there was a hacker attacking our player database before, if I didn't discover it in time, otherwise something big would happen.

Xiao Yijin frowned: Have you found out the IP address?

Koyanagi: The other party is too cunning, that IP was disguised so well that I didn't find out...

Xiao Yijin: I told you to read more books when you have nothing to do. If you don't believe me, wait until I come to the company to see at night.

Koyanagi: Good.

(End of this chapter)

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