Chapter 335 The Crazy Yun Zilei
At around ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yijin arrived at the place agreed with Yun Zilei on time.

From a distance, he saw a figure sitting on a chair by the lake.

The temperature tonight is very low, and the water surface has faint signs of freezing.

Xiao Yijin stopped two meters away from the chair.

The man stood up, looked at Xiao Yijin, and said slowly, "Hi, Jin."

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Yijin put his hands in his pockets and looked at Yun Zilei quietly.

He didn't seem to have changed from before, even the evil smile on the corner of his mouth was exactly the same as he remembered.

"Jin, do you really want to be with nursery rhymes?" Yun Zilei's voice was very low, and he turned his head to look at Xiao Yijin with boundless coolness in his eyes.

"Yes, I like her." Xiao Yijin looked at the man in front of him calmly, and remembered what he said during the game in the past. He said that as long as they were side by side, nothing could stop them.

Yun Zilei's thinking is very dangerous. He always wants to do something that will cause social panic. The two have different ideas and break up.

Later, he founded a company with Xiao Yan, and Yun Zilei began to indulge in all kinds of extravagance, treating women like playthings.

The two lived in their own fields, as if they had forgotten each other's existence.

Listening to Xiao Yijin's words, Yun Zilei sneered, and his sharp-edged face showed a trace of coldness: "It's because you took away my championship trophy at the International Hacking Competition! So now, I want to get you the most important person……"

"Winner and loser, you lost at the time because you were inferior to others. As for nursery rhymes, she is indeed my most important person. You couldn't win me a few years ago, and you can't win now. Don't make fearless struggles, you As long as there is a slight change, I will make all the secrets of your Yunfeng Group public, if you want to use your family business to fight against me, then you can try." After saying these words, Xiao Yijin turned and left.

A cold wind blew by, rustling the leaves.

"Jin, have you forgotten? Forgot the happy time we had before the game? We have a good understanding, we are opponents and friends, and only I am the person who understands you best in this world, her? What can she give you? You said before that you hate women the most! Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten?" Thinking of the past, Yun Zilei's smile became extraordinarily terrifying, and he yelled at Xiao Yijin's back, but Xiao Yijin But did not look back.

Yun Zilei and Qin Yiyi were together before, and it must not be accidental that Yun Zilei appeared suddenly this time.

If it were someone else, he could dismiss it.

But Yun Zilei, he must not take it lightly.

After returning to the dormitory, Tong Yao was lying in the dormitory and practicing singing with headphones on, but Jiang Ya ran over and pulled her headphones off.

"What?" Tong Yao looked at Jiang Ya in a daze, and Jiang Ya put her mobile phone in front of Tong Yao: "Look, my fairy, Xianmeng Game Company sponsored our school's Christmas party, I really didn't expect that such a big game company would allow us to have a university party, it's really strange."

Hearing this, Tong Yao's eyes sank: "Xiao Yijin's elder brother is the CEO of Xianmeng Game Company, you said that it is difficult for this company to sponsor our school's evening party?"

"My God! Is Xiao Yijin's brother still single? What kind of girl does he like? Do you think I can still play nursery rhymes?" Jiang Ya usually read too many novels about the domineering president falling in love with me. In reality, there was a young CEO who suddenly lost his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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