The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 347 Please Be A Little Self-aware

Chapter 347 Please Be A Little Self-aware

Seeing nursery rhyme running back from the balcony, Jiang Ya threw a piece of potato chips into her mouth and asked vaguely, "What's wrong?"

"Chen Qing is here." Regarding the zero-degree hallucination, the nursery rhyme is a bit of a headache.

Because of this guy, he won't do anything that disgusts you too much.

There is a harmless smile on his face all the time, if you are a little aggressive to him, you feel as if you have done something wrong.

In Jiang Ya's words, this whole thing is just a little milk dog.

Even when she is angry, she is fierce, fierce.

Hearing the nursery rhyme, Jiang Ya hurried to the balcony to read it.

Seeing Chen Qing holding a large bouquet of pink roses standing downstairs in the dormitory, he raised his hand to greet Jiang Ya when he saw Jiang Ya, with a bright smile on his face.

Jiang Ya sighed again and again: "Tsk tsk tsk, people are better than Huajiao, she looks really good-looking, but compared to our Xiao Xiao's grass, it is still a bit worse."

"Tong Yao, this guy is okay. He doesn't yell like Zhang Chi, but he doesn't have your contact information. Is he just waiting if you don't go down?" Jiang Ya stood on the balcony and looked at Chen Qing. After a while, many girls surrounded him.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ya silently took out her mobile phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message to Wu Jie: That good-looking, rich, and coquettish boy mistress is here again!

Wu Jie: Received.

Putting down the phone, Jiang Ya turned her head and glanced at the nursery rhyme, the smile on her face enlarged infinitely.

Hehehe, there will be a good show to watch later.

Standing on the balcony and staring in the direction of the men's dormitory, just when Jiang Ya was about to see through, a familiar figure appeared.

"Nursy rhyme nursery rhyme! Come quickly, come and see who's coming!" Jiang Ya suddenly yelled, and turned her head to see that nursery rhyme was still playing the game intently.

She sighed, ran in and dragged the nursery rhyme out: "Look who's here?"

"Jiang Ya, don't make trouble, I want to grab the boss... that..." Before finishing speaking, Tong Yao saw Xiao Yijin walking over in a black suit, followed by Wu Jie and the others...

This posture looks like the gangsters are about to fight.

The weirdest thing is...Wu Jie and the others are still wearing sunglasses...

Really... stupid...

The goal is very clear, it is towards Chen Qing.

Obviously, someone tipped off the news.

Tong Yao gently turned her head to look at Jiang Ya beside her.

At this time, Jiang Ya danced and danced, and didn't pay attention to Tong Yao's expression at all: "Nursy Yao, Senior Colonel Xiao is really handsome, you can't come forward to solve it, so let him come, anyway, at this time, he should come forward. "

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

Wu Jie and the others were gearing up behind Xiao Yijin. Someone wanted to poach their boss's corner, so that's fine.

Chen Qing was talking to the girl next to her, when suddenly she heard a burst of exclamation, the crowd dispersed, and Xiao Yijin walked in front of him.

"Senior Xiao!"

"Ah, the senior is really handsome!"

"They...they won't fight, will they?"


Hearing the people around him shouting Xiao Yijin's name, Wuji stretched out his hand and pulled down his sunglasses a little, moved to Sun Yi's side and asked, "I think I'm good-looking too, did they not find me handsome? "

Sun Yi: "Please have a little bit of self-knowledge."

Xiaojian: "Puchi."

Chen Qing had inquired about Xiao Yijin before, but this was the first time he had been face to face with him like this. He had to admit that this man's...aura...was very strong.

Xiao Yijin stared at the person in front of her for a while, and just when Wu Jie and the others thought Xiao Yijin was going to start talking harshly, someone Xiao said coldly, "Your flower, for nursery rhymes?"

(End of this chapter)

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