Chapter 348 The Reputable Xiao
Chen Qing was also a little confused: "Yes... yes."

"Then I would like to thank you for her. My Yaoyao was too tired last night, and finally went back to the dormitory. It is not convenient to go downstairs because of weak legs. I will accept the flowers for her first." Xiao Yijin finished speaking lightly. With these words, Chen Qing's expression changed.

The people around were also surprised, what did she mean that her family was too tired last night?
What do you mean when your legs are weak and you can't walk?
Have nursery rhymes and Xiao Yijin developed to this point?

Hey Hey hey.

It's easy to make people think wrong, isn't it?
Wu Jie and the others have already complained mercilessly about Xiao Yijin in their hearts.




If others didn't know where Xiao Yijin was last night, wouldn't they know?

The onlookers looked up at the direction of Tong Yao's dormitory one by one, Tong Yao looked confused: "Jiang Ya, they... are they looking at me?"

Jiang Ya: "Maybe, after all, two handsome guys are robbing you, so they naturally want to see it."

"Is that so?" Tong Yao frowned, and found that there seemed to be something wrong with the eyes of those people, as if things were not that simple.

Xiao Fox, what the hell are you doing again?

Under the gaze of Nursery Yao, Xiao Yijin took the flowers from Chen Qing, and said coldly: "I will perform with Yaoyao tonight, and I will reserve a front row seat for you. I have something to do, so I will go first." gone."

After the words fell, Xiao Yijin turned around and put the words directly into Wu Jie's arms.

Seeing this, Chen Qing yelled in dissatisfaction: "Xiao Yijin, don't think that I will shrink back if you do this. You drove away one me, and there are thousands and thousands of me. There are so many people who like nursery rhymes. I want to read them." See how many you can block."

Seeing that Xiao Yijin continued to walk unmoved, Chen Qing said to his back again: "Do you know that An Inch of Acacia is going to give a nursery rhyme a thousand miles away today? It's easy for you to block me, but it's not easy for you to block an inch of Acacia!"

An inch of lovesickness?
Wu Jie couldn't help laughing secretly, he really wanted to tell this silly boy that Yicun Xiangsi himself is here.

It's just that the show is about to start in a few hours, and they have to be ninjas.

Seeing Xiao's half-smile face, Wu Jie asked with a smile: "Boss, if Tong Yao knows that you have ruined her reputation so much, do you think she will beat you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yijin turned her head slowly: "What did I say? Did I ruin the reputation of an ugly girl? Why didn't I know."

Xiaojian: "Didn't you just say that to make that little boy think crooked?"

Xiao Yijin listened to Xiaojian's words, and said coldly: "This person with an impure mind thinks all crookedly."

Everyone: "..."

"Second Young Master, Second Young Master! Come here!" Xiao Yijin hadn't reached the football field when she saw Xiao Liu standing there and yelling.

He walked over quickly, and Xiao Liu helped his hat and came forward and said anxiously: "Wia is in place, but Er Shao, are you sure you want to do this? After all, this is the first time you hang Wia, I a little worried."

"What are you worried about? Are you afraid that I will fall off? Have you checked your procedures? No mistakes are allowed at night." Xiao Yijin looked at the stage in front of him and asked, "Where's the makeup artist?"

Xiao Liu: "It's coming soon, don't worry, Second Young Master, it won't delay the matter, but are you sure she will agree? If the object is an ordinary girl, it's fine, but at that time, the guest official, she is our fairy dream game Myth!"

Originally, Xiao Liu didn't know that nursery rhymes belonged to guest officials, but once Xiao Yan asked him to check if there were any called nursery rhymes in the player database. Since then, he knew that the guest officer who had countless girls was not allowed... it's a woman...

(End of this chapter)

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