The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 352 If You Like Me Once, You Will Die

Chapter 352 You Will Die If You Like Me
After stepping off the stage, Zhuang Xinyu lost his temper in the waiting area.

Wang Wei stood there holding Zhuang Xinyu's things, but was scolded for no reason, and couldn't stand it any longer, so she threw all Zhuang Xinyu's things on the ground: "Zhuang Xinyu, please be a little self-aware , you are no one good-looking! No one has temperament! I don't owe you anything, don't take it easy on me!"

After speaking, Wang Wei strode away.

Zhuang Xinyu didn't expect that Wang Wei, who had always been obedient to her, would get angry at her. Everyone stared at her strangely, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

Turning around to leave, but remembered another thing.

No, she has to wait until Yicun Acacia arrives. If Yiinch Acacia is really delivered from thousands of miles away, will the nursery rhyme still sit here safely?

Xiao Yijin... She wants to see how generous Xiao Yijin can be to nursery rhymes.

Squatting down to pick up the things that Wang Wei threw on the ground, Zhuang Xinyu sat on the seat.

Wu Jie was stunned, "Damn it, I think I already have a thick skin, but Zhuang Xinyu really refreshed my understanding of thick skin."

Hearing this, Tong Yao lowered her head and smiled: "Hasn't she always had a thick skin?"

Wu Jie: "That's right."

"Tongyao, our boss has actually liked you for a long time, but he can't express it." Wu Jie was also bored while sitting, so he started breaking the news about Xiao Yijin.

Turning my head to look at Wu Jie, I found that he looked serious, and he didn't look like he was lying.

He asked softly, "How early?"

"Anyway, it was very early, I was a little late, the little grandson said, from the first time your drunk boss hugged you, he noticed the signs, and he even called your name in a dream, I heard it all Several times, he called Yaoyao..." Once the Tucao mode is turned on, there is no way to stop.

Little grandson?
Nursery rhymes feel messed up...

What the hell is this called.

"The boss is in a relationship for the first time, so he must not be able to do many things well. If he makes you angry, you have to bear with him a little bit. You must know that he has changed from a straight man of steel to what he is now. It is already a gift from God. ..."

The corner of Tong Yao's mouth twitched: "Steel straight man... how straight..."

Listening to the nursery rhyme question, Wu Jie thought for a while: "That's the kind, if a woman asks him: Xiao Yijin, you will die if you like me!"

"Then the boss will definitely say that." Wu Jie paused for a moment, straightened his face, and pretended to be deep and said: "Yes, you will die, you will be bored to death, women are the most annoying species in the world."

Nursery Rhyme: "..."

It seems to be a bit straight.

And this guy Wu Jie doesn't look like him at all.

Wu Jie is just a talker, and he clearly explained all the weird things Xiao Yijin did in school before.

Talking and laughing, Nursery Rhyme didn't feel that the time was so difficult.

The show had ended several times, but Xiao Yijin still didn't show up.

Wu Jie felt a little strange, so he called Xiao Yijin, and found that his phone was turned off.

"What's the matter?" Tong Yao turned his head and saw Wu Jie's strange expression, "It's okay, the boss's phone may have run out of battery, and he couldn't get through."

"Oh, it's okay, if he is delayed by something, then I'll be fine if I sing it myself, I can sing the whole song." Even though he said that, there was still a little bit of disappointment in Nursery Rhyme's heart...

After all, this song is a love song sung in duet, and it is a bit strange to sing it alone.

(End of this chapter)

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